采用 make-kpkg 方法编译内核image 和 header 文件。
在 Ampere ARM 服务器、 调整PCIe RC驱动相关代码、和AMDGPU 驱动相关内容,为生产部署便捷,
给运维组同事直接提供内核头文件.deb 和 kernel.deb 安装包,本篇记录使用 make-kpkg 过程。

1>. 安装 kernel-package 工具

ARM服务器使用 ubuntu 20 服务版系统,安装必要编译环境依赖包。

sudo  apt-get install kernel-package build-essential libncurses5-dev libncurses-dev
sudo apt-get install gcc make bison flex libssl-dev

2>. 下载内核源码



3>. 配置内核

使用目标主机默认版本的 config 文件作为基础,在根据研发需求修订自己内容,进入内核源码文件夹下,

cp /boot/config-5.4.0-162-generic ./.config
make menuconfig

3.1>. 创建编译内核模块使用的build目录:

如果/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/没有build目录,是无法编译内核模块的,需要手动创建链接文件:

sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r)/ /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build

4>. 编译内核和头文件


make-kpkg --help
usage: make-kpkg [options] target [target ...]
  where options are:
 --help                This message.
 --revision number     The debian revision number. ([0-9][a-zA-Z.~+0-9]) (Must
                       start with a digit)
 --append-to-version foo
 --append_to_version foo an additional kernel sub-version. ([-a-z.+0-9])
                         Does not require editing the kernel Makefile
                         over rides env var APPEND_TO_VERSION.
                         requires a make-kpkg clean
 --added-modules foo
 --added_modules foo   Comma/space separated list of add on modules
                       affected by the modules_<blah> targets
 --arch     foo        architecture
 --cross_compile       target string
 --subarch  bar        Set the subarch for the image being compiled
                        (have to be on a compatible machine).
 --arch_in_name        Embed the subarch in the image package name
 --stem     foo        Call the packages foo-* instead of kernel-*
 --initrd              Create a image package suitable for initrd.
 -j         jobs       Sec CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to -I<jobs> for this action.
 --jobs     jobs       Set CONCURRENCY_LEVEL to -I<jobs> for this action.
 --pgpsign  name       An ID used to sign the changes file using pgp.
 --config target       Change the type of configure done from the  default
 --targets             Lists the known targets.
 --noexec              Pass a -n option to the make process
 --overlay dir         An overlay directory to (re))place file in ./debian
 --verbose             Pass a V=1 option to the make process
 --uimage              Create a kernel using uImage rather than zImage
                       or bzImage
 --rootcmd method      A command that provides a means of gaining
                       superuser access (for example, `sudo' or
                       `fakeroot') as needed by dpkg-buildpackages'
                       -r option. Does not work for targets binary,
                        binary-indep,  and  binary-arch.
 --us                  This option is passed to dpkg-buildpackage, and
                       directs that package not to sign the
                       source. This is only relevant for the
                       buildpackage target.
 --uc                  This option is passed to dpkg-buildpackage, and
                       directs that package not to sign the
                       changelog. This is only relevant for the
                       buildpackage target.

4.1> 编译命令

sudo make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version -sunway-230809 --revision 001 kernel_image modules_image kernel_headers -j 40

4.2> 编译结果

:~/Data/ljb/linux-5.11.22$ ls -l ../
total 188356
drwxrwxr-x 25 yuxun yuxun      4096 Sep 22 19:12 linux-5.11.22
-rw-rw-r--  1 yuxun yuxun 117681288 Sep 19 19:55 linux-5.11.22.tar.xz
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root   10634416 Sep 22 19:14 linux-headers-5.11.22-sw-230922_01_arm64.deb
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root   64547652 Sep 22 19:12 linux-image-5.11.22-sw-230922_01_arm64.deb

5>. 安装内核和头文件


sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-6.2.0-sunway-230808_002_arm64.deb linux-image-6.2.0-sunway-230808_002_arm64.deb


09-22 21:23