更新内容 1.5.8:

从具有相同属性的文件导航时,固定属性不会显示。 修复了Home和End在导航文档顶部和底部时不总是起作用的问题。

  • Fixed properties not appearing when navigating from a file that has the same properties.
  • Fixed Home and End not always navigating to the top and bottom of the document.

软件更新快讯-Obsidian更新-1.5.8 linux Appimage直装-LMLPHP

1.5 版本的重大更新内容:



  • Added RTL text support.
  • Tables are now automatically formatted as you type. This means columns will now render cleanly in source mode.
  • Tables will no longer break when typing in the line preceding a table widget.
  • The paragraph submenu is now disabled inside the table context menu.
  • Typing "---" will no longer autocomplete inside a table cell.
  • Fixed issue where long horizontal tables would lose their scroll position on edit.
  • Fixed issue where right-clicking inside a table would cause multiple context menus to appear.
  • Lots of small fixes to how we handle editing text adjacent to tables.
  • Fixed table not always getting focused when using "Insert table" command.
  • Fixed issue where undo/redo would put cursor in wrong position.
  • You can now press backspace after a table to select the table. Pressing backspace again will delete the table.
  • You can now click links and tags inside table cells.

  • 添加了RTL文本支持。



  • Formatting commands now recognize _ for italic and __ for bold.
  • Fixed issue where "Copy" would not work in a file where a PDF was embedded.
  • "Quick font size adjustment" is now disabled by default.
  • Fixed some weird behavior with "Toggle comment" command when it was used next to other comments.
  • It's no longer possible to accidentally edit text inside a fold. Navigating into a fold will automatically open the fold.
  • "Close" has been moved to the top in the tab menu.
  • 格式化命令现在可以识别_斜体_和__粗体__。


  • Sync: When viewing your remote vaults inside Obsidian, you can now see the total storage space used by each vault.
  • Improvements for indented text and lists in Live Preview.

No longer broken

  • The focused item in the File Explorer will now hide after opening a file.
  • Fixed the appearance of the embedded backlinks for right-to-left interfaces.
  • Pressing Home when editing a table in source mode will now always go to the beginning of the line.
  • Fixed issue where Canvas would fail to render if a zero-byte image file was embedded on the canvas.
  • Fixed issue where files would fail to save when navigating between files at the same time the properties are being edited.
  • Fixed Live Preview issue where tokens inside Markdown code blocks will no longer get parsed and rendered.
  • Fixed Outgoing links "link" button missing for unresolved links.
  • Fixed "copy" button on the Sync history modal not working.
  • Fixed Outline view not showing leading numerics.
  • Fixed page preview sometimes getting triggered when mouse is not hovering over the app.
  • Fixed issue where Backlinks view would incorrectly render links if they are on the same line as an embed.
  • We have reverted the changes to how lists are displayed in Live Preview. They will be formatted how they were in v1.4.
  • Fixed EnterF2, and Command + ArrowDown not working when File Explorer is focused. Enter should now open the focused file on linux/win and rename the file on macOS. F2 will rename the focused folder/file. And Command + ArrowDown will open the focused file on macOS.
  • Editing a ordered checklist (i.e. 1. [ ]) will no longer cause the checkboxes to get wiped out.

  • 文件资源管理器中的焦点项目现在在打开文件后将隐藏。


    我们已经将Live Preview中列表显示方式的更改还原。它们将以v1.4中的格式显示。
    修复了当文件资源管理器处于焦点状态时,Enter、F2和Command + ArrowDown无法正常工作的问题。在Linux/Windows系统上,按下Enter应该打开焦点文件,并在macOS系统上重命名文件。按下F2将重命名焦点文件夹/文件。同时在macOS系统上,按下Command + ArrowDown将打开焦点文件。
    编辑有序清单(例如1. [ ])不再会导致复选框消失。


  • Double-clicking on the sidebar tabs will no longer trigger "maximize window."
  • Fixed View → Source Mode and View → Reading View app menu items getting out of sync with the app.
  • Fixed issue where dragging and dropping screenshots into Obsidian would produce broken links.


  • Fixed issue where the Vim cursor got out of sync with the app cursor. This made it possible to accidentally edit Properties inside Vim mode.
  • The Vim cursor will now be hidden if the editor is not focused.
  • Restyled the Vim normal mode command panel.


  • The installer has been updated to Electron v28.2.3.


no longer broken: It means that something has been repaired. It does not imply it will never break again. 就是Bug修复。

03-07 02:31