在Python 3.10中引入了一个match语句,其类似于其他语言(eg:C,JAVA)中的switchcase语句,但更为强大。下面是一个使用Python 3.10中match语句的示例:

def http_error(status):
    match status:
        case 400:
            return "Bad request"
        case 401 | 403 | 404:
            return "Not allowed"
        case 500:
            return "Server error"
        case _:
            return "Something's wrong with the internet"

print(http_error(400))  # 输出: Bad request
print(http_error(401))  # 输出: Not allowed
print(http_error(500))  # 输出: Server error
print(http_error(600))  # 输出: Something's wrong with the internet

在这个例子中,match语句将status参数与一系列模式进行比较。这些模式可以是单个值,如400500,或者值的组合,如401 | 403 | 404。如果没有匹配,它将匹配到通配符_


# 假设我们有一个包含不同类型元素的列表
def handle_items(items):
    match items:
        case []:
            print("No items.")
        case [first]:
            print(f"One item: {first}")
        case [first, second]:
            print(f"Two items: {first} and {second}")
        case [first, *rest]:
            print(f"First item: {first}, rest: {rest}")

handle_items([])              # 输出: No items.
handle_items(["apple"])       # 输出: One item: apple
handle_items(["apple", "banana"]) # 输出: Two items: apple and banana
handle_items(["apple", "banana", "cherry"]) # 输出: First item: apple, rest: ['banana', 'cherry']



11-09 12:53