




* Interface for memory cache
* @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
* @since 1.0.0
public interface MemoryCacheAware<K, V> {
* Puts value into cache by key
* @return <b>true</b> - if value was put into cache successfully, <b>false</b> - if value was <b>not</b> put into
* cache
boolean put(K key, V value); /** Returns value by key. If there is no value for key then null will be returned. */
V get(K key); /** Removes item by key */
void remove(K key); /** Returns all keys of cache */
Collection<K> keys(); /** Remove all items from cache */
void clear();


/** Stores not strong references to objects */
private final Map<K, Reference<V>> softMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<K, Reference<V>>());

BaseMemoryCache implements MemoryCacheAware

* Base memory cache. Implements common functionality for memory cache. Provides object references (
* {@linkplain Reference not strong}) storing.
* @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
* @since 1.0.0
public abstract class BaseMemoryCache<K, V> implements MemoryCacheAware<K, V> { /** Stores not strong references to objects */
private final Map<K, Reference<V>> softMap = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<K, Reference<V>>()); @Override
public V get(K key) {
V result = null;
Reference<V> reference = softMap.get(key);
if (reference != null) {
result = reference.get();
return result;
} @Override
public boolean put(K key, V value) {
softMap.put(key, createReference(value));
return true;
} @Override
public void remove(K key) {
} @Override
public Collection<K> keys() {
synchronized (softMap) {
return new HashSet<K>(softMap.keySet());
} @Override
public void clear() {
} /** Creates {@linkplain Reference not strong} reference of value */
protected abstract Reference<V> createReference(V value);


WeakMemoryCache extends BaseMemoryCache


public class WeakMemoryCache extends BaseMemoryCache<String, Bitmap> {
protected Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value) {
return new WeakReference<Bitmap>(value);

LimitedMemoryCache extends BaseMemoryCache


private static final int MAX_NORMAL_CACHE_SIZE_IN_MB = 16;
private static final int MAX_NORMAL_CACHE_SIZE = MAX_NORMAL_CACHE_SIZE_IN_MB * 1024 * 1024; private final int sizeLimit; private final AtomicInteger cacheSize;


* Contains strong references to stored objects. Each next object is added last. If hard cache size will exceed
* limit then first object is deleted (but it continue exist at {@link #softMap} and can be collected by GC at any
* time)
private final List<V> hardCache = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<V>());


public boolean put(K key, V value) {
boolean putSuccessfully = false;
// Try to add value to hard cache
int valueSize = getSize(value);
int sizeLimit = getSizeLimit();
int curCacheSize = cacheSize.get();
if (valueSize < sizeLimit) {
while (curCacheSize + valueSize > sizeLimit) {
V removedValue = removeNext();
if (hardCache.remove(removedValue)) {
curCacheSize = cacheSize.addAndGet(-getSize(removedValue));
cacheSize.addAndGet(valueSize); putSuccessfully = true;
// Add value to soft cache
super.put(key, value);
return putSuccessfully;
} protected abstract int getSize(V value); protected abstract V removeNext();

FIFOLimitedMemoryCache extends LimitedMemoryCache


private final List<Bitmap> queue = Collections.synchronizedList(new LinkedList<Bitmap>());


public boolean put(String key, Bitmap value) {
if (super.put(key, value)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} @Override
public void remove(String key) {
Bitmap value = super.get(key);
if (value != null) {
} @Override
public void clear() {


protected int getSize(Bitmap value) {
return value.getRowBytes() * value.getHeight();
} @Override
protected Bitmap removeNext() {
return queue.remove(0);
} @Override
protected Reference<Bitmap> createReference(Bitmap value) {
return new WeakReference<Bitmap>(value);


LargestLimitedMemoryCache extends LimitedMemoryCache


* Contains strong references to stored objects (keys) and last object usage date (in milliseconds). If hard cache
* size will exceed limit then object with the least frequently usage is deleted (but it continue exist at
* {@link #softMap} and can be collected by GC at any time)
private final Map<Bitmap, Integer> valueSizes = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Bitmap, Integer>());


protected Bitmap removeNext() {
Integer maxSize = null;
Bitmap largestValue = null;
Set<Entry<Bitmap, Integer>> entries = valueSizes.entrySet();
synchronized (valueSizes) {
for (Entry<Bitmap, Integer> entry : entries) {
if (largestValue == null) {
largestValue = entry.getKey();
maxSize = entry.getValue();
} else {
Integer size = entry.getValue();
if (size > maxSize) {
maxSize = size;
largestValue = entry.getKey();
return largestValue;


LRULimitedMemoryCache extends LimitedMemoryCache

LRU即Least Recently Used,缓存清理策略是将最近最少使用的Bitmap对象删除掉。按Java中刚好有这样一个数据结构可以实现这个策略,它就是LinkedHashMap类。

private static final int INITIAL_CAPACITY = 10;
private static final float LOAD_FACTOR = 1.1f; /** Cache providing Least-Recently-Used logic */
private final Map<String, Bitmap> lruCache = Collections.synchronizedMap(new LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap>(INITIAL_CAPACITY, LOAD_FACTOR, true));


public Bitmap get(String key) {
lruCache.get(key); // call "get" for LRU logic
return super.get(key);

当accessOrder设置为true时,LinkedHashMap就维护了记录的访问顺序,这时使用Iterator 遍历LinkedHashMap时,先得到的记录肯定就是最近最不常使用的那个记录了,LRU算法水到渠成:

protected Bitmap removeNext() {
Bitmap mostLongUsedValue = null;
synchronized (lruCache) {
Iterator<Entry<String, Bitmap>> it = lruCache.entrySet().iterator();
if (it.hasNext()) {
Entry<String, Bitmap> entry = it.next();
mostLongUsedValue = entry.getValue();
return mostLongUsedValue;

UsingFreqLimitedMemoryCache extends LimitedMemoryCache


* Contains strong references to stored objects (keys) and last object usage date (in milliseconds). If hard cache
* size will exceed limit then object with the least frequently usage is deleted (but it continue exist at
* {@link #softMap} and can be collected by GC at any time)
private final Map<Bitmap, Integer> usingCounts = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<Bitmap, Integer>());


public Bitmap get(String key) {
Bitmap value = super.get(key);
// Increment usage count for value if value is contained in hardCahe
if (value != null) {
Integer usageCount = usingCounts.get(value);
if (usageCount != null) {
usingCounts.put(value, usageCount + 1);
return value;


protected Bitmap removeNext() {
Integer minUsageCount = null;
Bitmap leastUsedValue = null;
Set<Entry<Bitmap, Integer>> entries = usingCounts.entrySet();
synchronized (usingCounts) {
for (Entry<Bitmap, Integer> entry : entries) {
if (leastUsedValue == null) {
leastUsedValue = entry.getKey();
minUsageCount = entry.getValue();
} else {
Integer lastValueUsage = entry.getValue();
if (lastValueUsage < minUsageCount) {
minUsageCount = lastValueUsage;
leastUsedValue = entry.getKey();
return leastUsedValue;

FuzzyKeyMemoryCache implements MemoryCacheAware


* Decorator for {@link MemoryCacheAware}. Provides special feature for cache: some different keys are considered as
* equals (using {@link Comparator comparator}). And when you try to put some value into cache by key so entries with
* "equals" keys will be removed from cache before.<br />
* <b>NOTE:</b> Used for internal needs. Normally you don't need to use this class.
* @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
* @since 1.0.0
public class FuzzyKeyMemoryCache<K, V> implements MemoryCacheAware<K, V> { private final MemoryCacheAware<K, V> cache;
private final Comparator<K> keyComparator; public FuzzyKeyMemoryCache(MemoryCacheAware<K, V> cache, Comparator<K> keyComparator) {
this.cache = cache;
this.keyComparator = keyComparator;
} @Override
public boolean put(K key, V value) {
// Search equal key and remove this entry
synchronized (cache) {
K keyToRemove = null;
for (K cacheKey : cache.keys()) {
if (keyComparator.compare(key, cacheKey) == 0) {
keyToRemove = cacheKey;
if (keyToRemove != null) {
return cache.put(key, value);
} @Override
public V get(K key) {
return cache.get(key);
} @Override
public void remove(K key) {
} @Override
public void clear() {
} @Override
public Collection<K> keys() {
return cache.keys();

LimitedAgeMemoryCache implements MemoryCacheAware


* Decorator for {@link MemoryCacheAware}. Provides special feature for cache: if some cached object age exceeds defined
* value then this object will be removed from cache.
* @author Sergey Tarasevich (nostra13[at]gmail[dot]com)
* @see MemoryCacheAware
* @since 1.3.1
public class LimitedAgeMemoryCache<K, V> implements MemoryCacheAware<K, V> { private final MemoryCacheAware<K, V> cache; private final long maxAge;
private final Map<K, Long> loadingDates = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<K, Long>()); /**
* @param cache Wrapped memory cache
* @param maxAge Max object age <b>(in seconds)</b>. If object age will exceed this value then it'll be removed from
* cache on next treatment (and therefore be reloaded).
public LimitedAgeMemoryCache(MemoryCacheAware<K, V> cache, long maxAge) {
this.cache = cache;
this.maxAge = maxAge * 1000; // to milliseconds
} @Override
public boolean put(K key, V value) {
boolean putSuccesfully = cache.put(key, value);
if (putSuccesfully) {
loadingDates.put(key, System.currentTimeMillis());
return putSuccesfully;
} @Override
public V get(K key) {
Long loadingDate = loadingDates.get(key);
if (loadingDate != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - loadingDate > maxAge) {
} return cache.get(key);
} @Override
public void remove(K key) {
} @Override
public Collection<K> keys() {
return cache.keys();
} @Override
public void clear() {



05-08 14:53