
前面已经大概介绍了MidJourney的基础知识,后面我主要是基于实操来分享自己的笔记。可能内容顺序会有点乱,请大家理解。 这次主要是想讲讲settings这个命令。我们只需在控制台输入/settings,然后回车,就可以执行这个命令。 (2023年11月26日版本界面) 可能有些朋友出来的界面会不一样,因为MidJourney升级也太快,每个版本的界面都会有点不一样,我看官网的界面是这样的: ...

Technology Strategy Patterns 学习笔记8- Communicating the Strategy-Decks(ppt模板)

ure you have figured out what all the important shots are before incurring the major expense of shooting them 1.3 需要从技术、战略、产品相关角度评估整体 1.4 编写步骤 先有整体轮廓/outline先只写headline,make sure they still make sense不断re...

Converting HTML to PDF in .NET 7 Crack

rs convert HTML files to PDF within your .NET 7 app, making them easier to archive and share. Converting HTML to PDF is a versatile and convenient way to create, share, and archive documents. It preserves...

Converting HTML to PDF in .NET

Converting HTML to PDF in .NET Let users convert HTML files to PDF within your .NET 7 app, making them easier to archive and share. Converting HTML to PDF is a versatile and convenient way to create, ...

YOLOv8轻量化模型:BiLevelRoutingAttention 结合C2f | CVPR2023

  💡💡💡本文解决什么问题:BiLevelRoutingAttention ,通过双层路由(bi-level routing)提出了一种新颖的动态稀疏注意力(dynamic sparse attention ) BiLevelRoutingAttention 和C2f结合  |   轻量化的同时在数据集并有小幅涨点; YOLO轻量化模型专栏:http://t.csdnimg.cn/AeaEF 目录  1....

OpenCV项目开发实战--使用最先进的方法“F、B、Alpha Matting”进行图像抠图--提供完整代码

示范 让我们对现实生活中的图像启动 FBA Matting 方法。要应用 FBA Matting 算法,我们首先需要生成一个 trimap(我们稍后会介绍它是什么)。在我们的演示中,我们将使用预训练的DeepLabV3生成分割掩模,其中每个像素属于前景类的概率。之后,我们将使用大量膨胀操作将边界像素和前景概率低的像素标记为未知。不幸的是,这种方法可能会导致抠图不精确。您可以在下面看到标记的三元贴图和生成的...

Additional notes in PHP source code auditing

oding should be used for output handling, where user input should be reflected in HTML without injecting code. (See also: htmlentities())? URL encoding makes sure, that every characternot allowed within U...

Creating document for PHP code

Moved to http://blog.tangcs.com/2008/10/27/creating-document-for-php-code/ ...

LeetCode //C - 117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II

117. Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II Given a binary tree struct Node { int val; Node *left; Node *right; Node *next; } Populate each next pointer to point to its next right node. If there ...

现代 CSS 解决方案:原生嵌套(Nesting

即将支持嵌套,SASS/LESS 等预处理器已无用武之地?,彼时 CSS 原生嵌套还处于工作草案 Working Draft (WD) 阶段,而今天(2023-09-02),CSS 原生嵌套 Nesting 终于成为了既定的规范! CSS 原生嵌套语法在之前,只有在 LESS、SASS 等预处理器中,我们才能使用嵌套的写法,像是这样:div { & > p { color: red; } &:hov...
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