关于CentOS的/etc/profile和~/.bash_profile及.zshrc - ma_fighting

下面由centos使用教程栏目给大家介绍CentOS的/etc/profile和~/.bash_profile及.zshrc - ma_fighting,希望对需要的朋友有所帮助!交互式登陆shell对于交互式的登陆shell而言,CentOS规定了startup文件的加载顺序如下:登陆过程: 1. 读取并执行/etc/profile文件; 2. 读取并执行~/.bash_profile文件; - 若文...

Getting MySql Up and Running after Upgrading to Mavericks_MySQL

ed afterwards. I use MySql a lot for development and demos and dreaded going through the pain of getting it running again. I recalled the initial installation was fairly unpleasant, with a bit of trial an...


PHP的error_reporting错误级别变量对照表,errorreporting在PHP中所有的报错信息可以用error_reporting()这个函数来设置:它的参数有字符串和数字两种表示方法,共14个等级,但是呢,我看使用其他数字貌似也可以,起初我以为它指的是一定的报错区间,后来,终于发现了其中的规律:复制代码 代码如下:error_reporting( 7 ) = error_repo...

【TrueType】Converting Outlines to the TrueType Format(将轮廓转换为TrueType格式)

TrueType用户手册) 目录 1、How much error is acceptable(可接受的误差有多大)? 2、How to measure error(如何测量误差)? 3、Converting from other formats(从其他格式转换) 本节考虑将轮廓从其他轮廓格式转换为TrueType格式支持的二次样条曲线所涉及的一些问题。 ...

通过提示大语言模型进行个性化推荐LLM-Rec: Personalized Recommendation via Prompting Large Language Models

论文原文地址:https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.15780本文提出了一种提示LLM并使用其生成的内容增强推荐系统的输入的方法,提高了个性化推荐的效果。LLM-Rec Prompting Basic prompting基础提示,主要有以下三种 \(P_{para}\):提示LLM对原始内容进行改述,尽量保持原本的意思不变,并且不加入额外的内容。\(P_{tag}\):提示LLM用...

LeetCode 338. Counting Bits【动态规划,位运算】简单

给你一个整数 n ,对于 0 <= i <= n 中的每个 i ,计算其二进制表示中 1 的个数 ,返回一个长度为 n + 1 的数组 ans 作为答案。 示例 1: 输入:n = 2输出:[0,1,1]解释:0 --> 01 --> 12 --> 10 示例 2: 输入:n = 5输出:[0,1,1,2,1,2]解释:0 --> 01 --> 12 --> 103 --> 11...

解决nginx 报错提示:rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/",

01/14 23:04:39 [error] 10964#2788: *2 rewrite or internal redirection cycle while internally redirecting to "/", client:, server: bk, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "bk"报错原因:index 指令导致,解决方法 把 ...

In-memory Computing with SAP HANA读书笔记

本文为In-memory Computing with SAP HANA on Lenovo X6 Systems第三章Software components and data replication methods的读书笔记。 SAP HANA software components SAP HANA database SAP HANA数据库是HANA的核心,是内存数据库,支持标准的关系型数据库 本文...

Redis Cluster and limiting divergences.

ementation of Redis Cluster was analyzed and discussed at long in the past weeks (unfortunately creating some confusion: many people, including notable personalities of the NoSQL movement, confused the an...

Some fun with Redis Cluster testing

of providing a "testable" Redis Cluster experience to users within a few weeks, is some serious testing that goes over the usual "I'm running 3 nodes in my macbook, it works". Finally this is possible, s...
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