If you usually work with a number of workbooks simultaneously, you might like the idea of opening all of your workbooks exactly where you left off the last time you closed Excel.If so, you need to create a workspace file. Before you quit for the day, select Files, Save Workspace and specify a file name. To pick up where you left off in the last session, reopen the workspace file: Use File, Open and choose the workspace file (it'll have an .xlw extension). Note: A workspace file contains only configuration information, not the actual workbooks and worksheets. Therefore, you can't simply copy the workspace file -- you'll need the workbook files, too.对多个工作薄进行编辑后,执行“文件→保存工作区”命令,取名(**.xlw)、确定保存。以后只要打开该工作区文档,即可打开上述多个工作薄(注意:工作区文件只是保存设置信息,并不保存文件,所以你必须对每个文件所作的更改另行保存)。 EXCEL 同时打开多个工作簿-LMLPHP

07-01 19:21