
1、int XGpio_Initialize(XGpio * InstancePtr, u16 DeviceId)

名称 代码 解释
函数名 XGpio_Initialize 初始化GPIO
参数1 XGpio * InstancePtr 指向GPIO实例的指针
参数2 u16 DeviceId ID号,自动生成,在xparameters.h文件中定义

XGpio GpioOutput; 
XGpio_Initialize(&GpioOutput, XPAR_AXI_GPIO_0_DEVICE_ID) ; 

2、void XGpio_SetDataDirection(XGpio *InstancePtr, unsigned Channel,u32 DirectionMask)

名称 代码 解释
函数名 XGpio_SetDataDirection 设置GPIO为输入/输出
参数1 XGpio * InstancePtr 指向GPIO实例的指针
参数2 unsigned Channel 待设置GPIO的通道(Vivado中设置gpio IP时的设置通道,为1或2)
参数3 u32 DirectionMask 方向设置。0:output;1:input
返回值 void  

XGpio GpioOutput; 
XGpio_SetDataDirection(&GpioOutput,1,0x00000001) ; 
配置为上半部分的GPIO,则Channel为1;若设置下半部分配置的GPIO 2,则Channel为2;

3、u32 XGpio_DiscreteRead(XGpio * InstancePtr, unsigned Channel)

名称 代码 解释
函数名 XGpio_DiscreteRead 读取GPIO的值
参数1 XGpio * InstancePtr 指向GPIO实例的指针
参数2 unsigned Channel 通道号,同上一函数
返回值 u32 最多32位的实际值

XGpio GpioOutput; 
int btn_val ; 
btn_val =XGpio_DiscreteRead(&GpioOutput,1) ; 

3、void XGpio_DiscreteWrite(XGpio * InstancePtr, unsigned Channel, u32 Data)

名称 代码 解释
函数名 XGpio_DiscreteWrite 写GPIO
参数1 XGpio * InstancePtr 指向GPIO实例的指针
参数2 unsigned Channel 通道号,同上一函数
参数3 u32 Data 需要写的值
返回值 void  

XGpio GpioOutput; 
int led_value = 0x02; 
XGpio_DiscreteWrite(&GpioOutput,1,led_value ) ; 

4、void XGpio_DiscreteSet(XGpio * InstancePtr, unsigned Channel, u32 Data)

名称 代码 解释
函数名 XGpio_DiscreteSet 置位某些GPIO的位(给某些GPIO的位写1)
参数1 XGpio * InstancePtr 指向GPIO实例的指针
参数2 unsigned Channel 通道号,同上一函数
参数3 u32 Data 需要给哪些位写1
返回值 void  

XGpio_DiscreteSet是分三步操作:1、使用XGpio_DiscreteRead读回原来的GPIO状态:n0(假设读回值为n0);2、执行:n1=n0 | n(“|”为“位或”运算,n为XGpio_DiscreteSet第三个参数,即要置1的位数值);3、使用XGpio_DiscreteWrite将n1写回GPIO。当读回值n0等于0时,XGpio_DiscreteSet的n1=n,即XGpio_DiscreteSet等价于XGpio_DiscreteWrite;


* Set output discrete(s) to logic 1 for the specified GPIO channel.
* @param    InstancePtr is a pointer to an XGpio instance to be worked on.
* @param    Channel contains the channel of the GPIO (1 or 2) to operate on.
* @param    Mask is the set of bits that will be set to 1 in the discrete
*        data register. All other bits in the data register are
*        unaffected.
* @return    None.
* @note
* The hardware must be built for dual channels if this function is used
* with any channel other than 1.  If it is not, this function will assert.
* This API can only be used if the GPIO_IO ports in the IP are used for
* connecting to the external output ports.
void XGpio_DiscreteSet(XGpio * InstancePtr, unsigned Channel, u32 Mask)
    u32 Current;
    unsigned DataOffset;

    Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
    Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
    Xil_AssertVoid((Channel == 1) ||
             ((Channel == 2) && (InstancePtr->IsDual == TRUE)));

     * Calculate the offset to the data register of the GPIO once
    DataOffset = ((Channel - 1) * XGPIO_CHAN_OFFSET) + XGPIO_DATA_OFFSET;

     * Read the contents of the data register, merge in Mask and write
     * back results
    Current = XGpio_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, DataOffset);
    Current |= Mask;
    XGpio_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, DataOffset, Current);

XGpio GpioOutput; 
int led_value = 0x02; 
XGpio_DiscreteSet(&GpioOutput,1,led_value ) ; 

5、void XGpio_DiscreteClear(XGpio * InstancePtr, unsigned Channel, u32 Data)

名称 代码 解释
函数名 XGpio_DiscreteClear 清零某些GPIO的位(给某些GPIO的位写0)
参数1 XGpio * InstancePtr 指向GPIO实例的指针
参数2 unsigned Channel 通道号,同上一函数
参数3 u32 Data 需要给哪些位写0
返回值 void  

XGpio_DiscreteClear也是分三步操作:1、使用XGpio_DiscreteRead读回原来的GPIO状态:n0;2、执行:n1=n0 & ~n(“&”为“位与”运算,“~”为“位非”运算,n为XGpio_DiscreteClear第三个参数,即要清0的位数值);3、使用XGpio_DiscreteWrite将n1写回GPIO。当读回值n0等于0时,即XGpio_DiscreteClear等价于全部清0,与n无关。


* Set output discrete(s) to logic 0 for the specified GPIO channel.
* @param    InstancePtr is a pointer to an XGpio instance to be worked on.
* @param    Channel contains the channel of the GPIO (1 or 2) to operate on.
* @param    Mask is the set of bits that will be set to 0 in the discrete
*        data register. All other bits in the data register are
*        unaffected.
* @return    None.
* @note
* The hardware must be built for dual channels if this function is used
* with any channel other than 1.  If it is not, this function will assert.
* This API can only be used if the GPIO_IO ports in the IP are used for
* connecting to the external output ports.
void XGpio_DiscreteClear(XGpio * InstancePtr, unsigned Channel, u32 Mask)
    u32 Current;
    unsigned DataOffset;

    Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr != NULL);
    Xil_AssertVoid(InstancePtr->IsReady == XIL_COMPONENT_IS_READY);
    Xil_AssertVoid((Channel == 1) ||
             ((Channel == 2) && (InstancePtr->IsDual == TRUE)));

     * Calculate the offset to the data register of the GPIO once
    DataOffset = ((Channel - 1) * XGPIO_CHAN_OFFSET) + XGPIO_DATA_OFFSET;

     * Read the contents of the data register, merge in Mask and write
     * back results
    Current = XGpio_ReadReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, DataOffset);
    Current &= ~Mask;
    XGpio_WriteReg(InstancePtr->BaseAddress, DataOffset, Current);

XGpio GpioOutput; 
int led_value = 0x02; 
XGpio_DiscreteSet(&GpioOutput,1,led_value ) ; 

09-02 18:49