我试图禁用B {video:false}中的本地视频,但是它有错误,无法正常工作。


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="https://simplewebrtc.com/latest-v2.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">

            var webrtc = new SimpleWebRTC({
                // the id/element dom element that will hold "our" video

                localVideoEl: 'localVideo',

                // the id/element dom element that will hold remote videos
                remoteVideosEl: 'remotesVideos',
                // immediately ask for camera access
                autoRequestMedia: true,
                media: {
                        audio: false,
                        video: {
                            //width: 720,
                            width: {ideal: 640},
                            // height: 1280,
                            height: {ideal: 480},
                            frameRate: {ideal: 15}
                receiveMedia: {
                    offerToReceiveAudio: 0,
                    offerToReceiveVideo: 1

            // we have to wait until it's ready
            webrtc.on('readyToCall', function () {
                // you can name it anything
                webrtc.joinRoom('zika ghe vl');

        <div id="remotesVideos"></div>




<!DOCTYPE html>
        <script src="https://simplewebrtc.com/latest-v2.js"></script>
         <button onclick="start(false)">Receive video</button>
          <button onclick="start(true)"">Send video</button>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function start (e) {

                    have separate settings to get the trigger form UI
                var videoSettings = {
                            //width: 720,
                            width: {ideal: 640},
                            // height: 1280,
                            height: {ideal: 480},
                            frameRate: {ideal: 15}
                if(!e) videoSettings = e;
                new SimpleWebRTC({
                // the id/element dom element that will hold "our" video

                    localVideoEl: 'localVideo',

                    // the id/element dom element that will hold remote videos
                    remoteVideosEl: 'remotesVideos',
                    // immediately ask for camera access
                    autoRequestMedia: true,
                    media: {
                            audio: false,
                            video: videoSettings
                    receiveMedia: {
                        offerToReceiveAudio: 0,
                        offerToReceiveVideo: 1
                }).on('readyToCall', function () {
                    // you can name it anything
                    this.joinRoom('zika ghe vl');

        <div id="remotesVideos"></div>

关于javascript - webrtc对等视频聊天,但仅需将视频发送到另一侧,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42151183/

10-17 02:53