
func (provider *Cache) GetItem(productId string, skuId string, itemType string) (*Item, error) {

    // First, create the key we'll use to uniquely identify the item
    key := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", productId, skuId)

    // Now, attempt to get the concurrency control associated with the item key
    // If we couldn't find it then create one and add it to the map
    var once *sync.Once
    if entry, ok := provider.lockMap.Load(key); ok {
        once = entry.(*sync.Once)
    } else {
        once = &sync.Once{}
        provider.lockMap.Store(key, once)

    // Now, use the concurrency control to attempt to request the item
    // but only once. Channel any errors that occur
    cErr := make(chan error, 1)
    once.Do(func() {

        // We didn't find the item in the cache so we'll have to get it from the partner-center
        item, err := provider.client.GetItem(productId, skuId)
        if err != nil {
            cErr <- err

        // Add the item to the cache
        provider.cache.Store(key, &item)

    // Attempt to read an error from the channel; if we get one then return it
    // Otherwise, pull the item out of the cache. We have to use the select here because this is
    // the only way to attempt to read from a channel without it blocking
    var sku interface{}
    select {
    case err, ok := <-cErr:
        if ok {
            return nil, err
        item, _ = provider.cache.Load(key)

    // Now, pull out a reference to the item and return it
    return item.(*Item), nil

var _ = Describe("Item Tests", func() {

    It("GetItem - Not cached, two concurrent requests - Client called once", func() {

        // setup cache

        // Setup a wait group so we can ensure both processes finish
        var wg sync.WaitGroup

        // Fire off two concurrent requests for the same SKU
        go runRequest(&wg, cache)
        go runRequest(&wg, cache)

        // Check the cache; it should have one value
        _, ok := cache.cache.Load("PID:SKUID")

        // The client should have only been requested once
        Expect(client.RequestCount).Should(Equal(1)) // FAILS HERE

// Used for testing concurrency
func runRequest(wg *sync.WaitGroup, cache *SkuCache) {
    defer wg.Done()
    sku, err := cache.GetItem("PID", "SKUID", "fakeitem")

type mockClient struct {
    RequestFails    bool
    RequestCount    int
    lock            sync.Mutex

func NewMockClient(requestFails bool) *mockClient {
    return &mockClient{
        RequestFails:    requestFails,
        RequestCount:    0,
        lock:            sync.Mutex{},

func (client *mockClient) GetItem(productId string, skuId string) (item Item, err error) {
    defer GinkgoRecover()

    // If we want to simulate client failure then return an error here
    if client.RequestFails {
        err = fmt.Errorf("GetItem failed")

    // Sleep for 100ms so we can more accurately simulate the request latency
    time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)

    // Update the request count

    item = Item{
        Id:              skuId,
        ProductId:       productId,





如果其中没有一个项目,并且有2个并发的goroutine同时调用Cache.GetItem(),则有可能lockMap.Load()会报告这两个键均不在 map 中,这两个goroutine都会创建一个sync.Once,并且两者都将存储自己的实例在 map 中(显然只有后者(后者)会保留在 map 中,但您的缓存不会对此进行检查)。


我认为sync.Mutex会更容易且更合适,以避免在此处创建和使用2 sync.Once

或者因为您已经在使用sync.Map,所以可以使用 Map.LoadOrStore() 方法:创建一个sync.Once,并将其传递给Map.LoadOrStore()。如果键已在 map 中,请使用返回的sync.Once。如果 key 不在 map 中,则您的sync.Once将存储在其中,因此您可以使用它。这将确保没有多个并发goroutine可以在其中存储多个sync.once实例。


var once *sync.Once
if entry, loaded := provider.lockMap.LoadOrStore(key, once); loaded {
    // Was already in the map, use the loaded Once
    once = entry.(*sync.Once)

此解决方案仍然不是完美的:如果2个goroutine同时调用Cache.GetItem(),则只有一个会尝试从客户端获取项目,但如果失败,则仅此goroutine将报告错误,而另一个goroutine将不会尝试获取该项目来自客户端,但会从 map 加载该项目,您无需检查加载是否成功。您应该并且,如果它不在 map 中,则意味着另一次并发尝试无法获取它。因此,您应该随后报告错误(并清除sync.Once)。


关于go - 在Golang中测试一次条件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61110211/

10-15 20:36