
function BowyerWatson (pointList)
      // pointList is a set of coordinates defining the points to be triangulated
      triangulation := empty triangle mesh data structure
      add super-triangle to triangulation // must be large enough to completely contain all the points in pointList
      for each point in pointList do // add all the points one at a time to the triangulation
         badTriangles := empty set
         for each triangle in triangulation do // first find all the triangles that are no longer valid due to the insertion
            if point is inside circumcircle of triangle
               add triangle to badTriangles
         polygon := empty set
         for each triangle in badTriangles do // find the boundary of the polygonal hole
            for each edge in triangle do
               if edge is not shared by any other triangles in badTriangles
                  add edge to polygon
         for each triangle in badTriangles do // remove them from the data structure
            remove triangle from triangulation
         for each edge in polygon do // re-triangulate the polygonal hole
            newTri := form a triangle from edge to point
            add newTri to triangulation
      for each triangle in triangulation // done inserting points, now clean up
         if triangle contains a vertex from original super-triangle
            remove triangle from triangulation
      return triangulation

这相对容易地实现到python 3.7.2和pygame 1.7〜中。

在此之后,我在另一篇文章中发现this comment,指出大多数Bowyer-Watson算法都缺乏对无穷远点的顶点的计算以及克服这一问题的实现方法:

  由其他两个顶点定义的线。 one vertex in infinity
  通过第三点。 two vertices in infinity





import pygame
import pygame.gfxdraw
import math
import random

def Sign(value):
    if value < 0:
        return -1
    if value > 0:
        return 1
    if value == 0:
        return 0

def SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,posX,posY):
    d = (posX-x1)*(y2-y1) - (posY-y1)*(x2-x1)
    return Sign(d)

def LineIsEqual(line1,line2): # Detect congruence of line, no matter which end is defined first
    if (line1[0] == line2[0] and line1[1] == line2[1]) or (line1[0] == line2[1] and line1[1] == line2[0]):
        return True
    return False

class Point:
    def __init__(self,x,y,isInfinite):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
        self.isInfinite = isInfinite
    def distanceTo(self,other):
        return math.sqrt( (self.x-other.x)**2 + (self.y-other.y)**2 )

class Triangle:

    def __init__(self,a,b,c):
        self.vertices = [a,b,c] # a,b,c are vertices defining the triangle
        self.edges = [[a,b],
                      [c,a]] # Manually defining all edges of triangle ([])
        self.infiniteVertices = []
        self.finiteVertices = []
        for vertex in self.vertices:
            if vertex.isInfinite:

    def CalculateCircumcenter(self): # Copied from Delaunator page
        a = [self.vertices[0].x , self.vertices[0].y]
        b = [self.vertices[1].x , self.vertices[1].y]
        c = [self.vertices[2].x , self.vertices[2].y]
        ad = a[0] * a[0] + a[1] * a[1]
        bd = b[0] * b[0] + b[1] * b[1]
        cd = c[0] * c[0] + c[1] * c[1]
        D = 2 * (a[0] * (b[1] - c[1]) + b[0] * (c[1] - a[1]) + c[0] * (a[1] - b[1]))
        self.circumcenter = Point(1 / D * (ad * (b[1] - c[1]) + bd * (c[1] - a[1]) + cd * (a[1] - b[1])),
                                  1 / D * (ad * (c[0] - b[0]) + bd * (a[0] - c[0]) + cd * (b[0] - a[0])),

    def IsPointInCircumcircle(self,point):
        if len(self.infiniteVertices) == 3:
            return True # Any point is within the circumcircle if all therr vertices are infinite
        elif len(self.infiniteVertices) == 2: # If two infinite vertices: check if point lies to the left/right of line defined by these two vertices but shifted to the third point.
            x1 = self.finiteVertices[0].x
            y1 = self.finiteVertices[0].y
            x2 = self.infiniteVertices[0].x - self.infiniteVertices[1].x + x1
            y2 = self.infiniteVertices[0].y - self.infiniteVertices[1].y + y1
            sideOfLineOfVertex = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,point.x,point.y)
            sideOfLineOfPoint = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,self.infiniteVertices[0].x,self.infiniteVertices[0].x)
            if sideOfLineOfVertex == sideOfLineOfPoint:
                return False
                return True
        elif len(self.infiniteVertices) == 1: # If one infinite vertex: check if point lies to the left/right of line defined by the other two vertices.
            x1 = self.finiteVertices[0].x
            y1 = self.finiteVertices[0].y
            x2 = self.finiteVertices[1].x
            y2 = self.finiteVertices[1].y
            sideOfLineOfVertex = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,point.x,point.y)
            sideOfLineOfPoint = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,self.infiniteVertices[0].x,self.infiniteVertices[0].x)
            if sideOfLineOfVertex == sideOfLineOfPoint:
                return False
                return True
        elif len(self.infiniteVertices) == 0: # For triangle with finite vertices
            if self.vertices[0].distanceTo(self.circumcenter) > point.distanceTo(self.circumcenter):
                return True # If point is closer to circumcenter than any vertices, point is in circumcircle
                return False

    def HasVertex(self,point):
        if point in self.vertices:
            return True
        return False

    def Show(self,screen,colour):
        for edge in self.edges:

class DelaunayTriangulation:

    def __init__(self,points,width,height):

        self.triangulation = [] # Create empty list

        self.superTriangleA = Point(-100,-100,True)
        self.superTriangleB = Point(2*width+100,-100,True)
        self.superTriangleC = Point(-100,2*height+100,True)
        superTriangle = Triangle(self.superTriangleA,self.superTriangleB,self.superTriangleC)
        self.triangulation.append(superTriangle) # Create super-triangle

        for point in points: # For every single point to be triangulated

    def addPoint(self,point):

        invalidTriangles = [] # Invalid triangle list
        for triangle in self.triangulation: # For every existing triangle
            if triangle.IsPointInCircumcircle(point): # If new point is in the circumcenter of triangle
                invalidTriangles.append(triangle) # Triangle is invalid and added to invalid triangle list

        polygon = [] # List for remaining edges after removal of invalid triangles
        for triangle in invalidTriangles: # For every invalid triangle
            for triangleEdge in triangle.edges: # For each invalid triangle's edges
                isShared = False # Assume no edges are shared
                for other in invalidTriangles: # For every other invalid triangle
                    if triangle == other: # If both are the same triangle
                    for otherEdge in other.edges: # For every edge in other triangle
                        if LineIsEqual(triangleEdge,otherEdge):
                            isShared = True # Congruent edges are shared
                if isShared == False: # Only append edges not shared by invalid triangles to polygon hole

        for triangle in invalidTriangles: # Remove invalid triangles
        for edge in polygon:
            newTriangle = Triangle(edge[0],edge[1],point) # Retriangulate based on edges of polygon hole and point

    def Show(self,screen,colour):

        self.shownTriangulation = self.triangulation

        superTriangles = [] # List for triangles that are part of super-triangle
        for triangle in self.triangulation:
            if (triangle.HasVertex(self.superTriangleA) or triangle.HasVertex(self.superTriangleB) or triangle.HasVertex(self.superTriangleC)) and (triangle in self.triangulation):
                superTriangles.append(triangle) # Add triangles that have any super-triangle vertex
        for triangle in superTriangles:
            self.triangulation.remove(triangle) # Remove super-triangles

        for triangle in self.shownTriangulation:

background = 20,40,100
red = 255,0,0
white = 255,255,255
width = int(500)
height = int(500)
amount = int(5)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height))

points = []
for i in range(amount):
    x = random.randint(1,width-1)
    y = random.randint(1,height-1)

delaunay = DelaunayTriangulation(points,width,height)








而不是比较点之间的Euclidean distances,而是比较距离的平方:

class Point:

    # [...]

    def distanceToSquare(self,other):
        dx, dy = self.x-other.x, self.y-other.y
        return dx*dx + dy*dy

class Triangle:

    # [...]

    def IsPointInCircumcircle(self,point):
        return (self.vertices[0].distanceToSquare(self.circumcenter) >

除此之外,您的代码中还有一些简单的错字。 xinfiniteVertices[0]组件两次传递给方法SideOfLineOfPoint,但是y组件丢失(在两种情况下):



if sideOfLineOfVertex == sideOfLineOfPoint:
   return False
   return True

我建议在方法IsPointInCircumcircle中颠倒案例的顺序。当添加第一个点时,len(self.infiniteVertices) == 3情况仅发生一次。比较而言,len(self.infinite Vertices) == 0是最常见的情况,尤其是当点数增加时。


python - 尝试对无限远处的顶点执行外接圆计算时,Bowyer-Watson的三角剖分不正确-LMLPHP

class Triangle:
    # [...]

    def IsPointInCircumcircle(self,point):
        if len(self.infiniteVertices) == 0: # For triangle with finite vertices
            if self.vertices[0].distanceToSquare(self.circumcenter) > point.distanceToSquare(self.circumcenter):
                return True # If point is closer to circumcenter than any vertices, point is in circumcircle
                return False

        elif len(self.infiniteVertices) == 1: # If one infinite vertex: check if point lies to the left/right of line defined by the other two vertices.
            x1 = self.finiteVertices[0].x
            y1 = self.finiteVertices[0].y
            x2 = self.finiteVertices[1].x
            y2 = self.finiteVertices[1].y
            sideOfLineOfVertex = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,point.x,point.y)
            sideOfLineOfPoint = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,self.infiniteVertices[0].x,self.infiniteVertices[0].y)
            if sideOfLineOfVertex == sideOfLineOfPoint:
                return True
                return False

        elif len(self.infiniteVertices) == 2: # If two infinite vertices: check if point lies to the left/right of line defined by these two vertices but shifted to the third point.
            x1 = self.finiteVertices[0].x
            y1 = self.finiteVertices[0].y
            x2 = self.infiniteVertices[0].x - self.infiniteVertices[1].x + x1
            y2 = self.infiniteVertices[0].y - self.infiniteVertices[1].y + y1
            sideOfLineOfVertex = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,point.x,point.y)
            sideOfLineOfPoint = SideOfLineOfPoint(x1,y1,x2,y2,self.infiniteVertices[0].x,self.infiniteVertices[0].y)
            if sideOfLineOfVertex == sideOfLineOfPoint:
                return True
                return False

        return True # Any point is within the circumcircle if all there vertices are infinite

关于python - 尝试对无限远处的顶点执行外接圆计算时,Bowyer-Watson的三角剖分不正确,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:

10-15 01:01