

primary key

unique key

index key

注意:外键(foreign key)不是用来加速查询的,以上的三种key都是用来加速查询的,还具有额外的约束条件(primary key:非空且唯一,unique key:唯一),index key没有任何约束功能,只能iasu查询


本质 :通过不断缩小想要的数据的范围来筛选出最终的结果,同时把随机的事件变成 顺序的事件,即我们可以通过同一种查找方式来锁定数据







聚集索引(primary key)







create table s1(
id int,
name varchar(20),
gender char(6),
email varchar(50)
delimiter $$ #声明存储过程的结束符号为$$
create procedure auto_insert1()
   declare i int default 1;
       insert into s1 values(i,'jason','male',concat('jason',i,'@oldboy'));
       set i=i+1;
   end while;
END$$ #$$结束
delimiter ; #重新声明分号为结束符号
show create procedure auto_insert1\G
call auto_insert1();
select * from s1 where id=30000;
select count(id) from s1 where id = 30000;
select count(id) from s1 where id = 1;
alter table s1 add primary key(id);  # 速度很慢

select count(id) from s1 where id = 1;  # 速度相较于未建索引之前两者差着数量级
select count(id) from s1 where name = 'jason'  # 速度仍然很慢
# 并不是加了索引,以后查询的时候按照这个字段速度就一定快  
select count(id) from s1 where id > 1;  # 速度相较于id = 1慢了很多
select count(id) from s1 where id >1 and id < 3;
select count(id) from s1 where id > 1 and id < 10000;
select count(id) from s1 where id != 3;
alter table s1 drop primary key;  # 删除主键 单独再来研究name字段
select count(id) from s1 where name = 'jason';  # 又慢了

create index idx_name on s1(name);  # 给s1表的name字段创建索引
select count(id) from s1 where name = 'jason'  # 仍然很慢!!!
select count(id) from s1 where name = 'xxx';  
# 这个会很快,我就是一根棍,第一个不匹配直接不需要再往下走了
select count(id) from s1 where name like 'xxx';
select count(id) from s1 where name like 'xxx%';
select count(id) from s1 where name like '%xxx';  # 慢 最左匹配特性

# 区分度低的字段不能建索引
drop index idx_name on s1;

# 给id字段建普通的索引
create index idx_id on s1(id);
select count(id) from s1 where id = 3;  # 快了
select count(id) from s1 where id*12 = 3;  # 慢了 索引的字段一定不要参与计算

drop index idx_id on s1;
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id = 3 and email = 'xxx';
# 针对上面这种连续多个and的操作,mysql会从左到右先找区分度比较高的索引字段,先将整体范围降下来再去比较其他条件
create index idx_name on s1(name);
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id = 3 and email = 'xxx';  # 并没有加速

drop index idx_name on s1;
# 给name,gender这种区分度不高的字段加上索引并不难加快查询速度

create index idx_id on s1(id);
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id = 3 and email = 'xxx';  # 快了 先通过id已经讲数据快速锁定成了一条了
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx';  # 慢了 基于id查出来的数据仍然很多,然后还要去比较其他字段

drop index idx_id on s1

create index idx_email on s1(email);
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx';  # 快 通过email字段一剑封喉


select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx';  
# 如果上述四个字段区分度都很高,那给谁建都能加速查询
# 给email加然而不用email字段
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3;
# 给name加然而不用name字段
select count(id) from s1 where gender = 'male' and id > 3;
# 给gender加然而不用gender字段
select count(id) from s1 where id > 3;

# 带来的问题是所有的字段都建了索引然而都没有用到,还需要花费四次建立的时间
create index idx_all on s1(email,name,gender,id);  # 最左匹配原则,区分度高的往左放
select count(id) from s1 where name='jason' and gender = 'male' and id > 3 and email = 'xxx';  # 速度变快


12-14 19:56