我找到了these interesting Algorithms。我想使用bitwiseAdd方法。我的问题是,左移运算符返回的值不是二进制的。

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;

class Addition1
public static int first;
public static int second;
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception

    BufferedReader userInput = new BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(System.in));
    System.out.println("Geben sie den ersten Summanden ein!");
    first = Integer.parseInt(userInput.readLine());
    System.out.println("Geben sie den zweiten Summanden ein!");
    second = Integer.parseInt(userInput.readLine());
    bitwiseAdd(first, second);

public static void bitwiseAdd(int n1, int n2)
    int x = n1, y = n2;
    int xor, and, temp;
    and = x & y;
    xor = x ^ y;
    System.out.println("x: " + x);
    System.out.println("y: " + y);
    System.out.println("and: " + and);
    System.out.println("xor: " + xor);
    while (and != 0)
        and <<= 1;
        System.out.println("and <<= 1: " + and);
        temp = xor ^ and;
        System.out.println("temp = xor ^ and: " + temp);
        and &= xor;
        System.out.println("and &= xor: " + and);
        xor = temp;
        System.out.println("xor = temp: " + xor);
    System.out.println("Ergebnis: " + xor);

这是n1 = 1001和n2 = 1101时程序的输出(+注释):

Geben sie den ersten Summanden ein! (means: type in first value)
Geben sie den zweiten Summanden ein! (means: type in second value)
x: 1001
y: 1101
and: 73 (java might interpret x and y as non binary)
xor: 1956
Schleife: (means: loop)
and <<= 1: 146
temp = xor ^ and: 1846
and &= xor: 128
xor = temp: 1846
and <<= 1: 256
temp = xor ^ and: 1590
and &= xor: 256
xor = temp: 1590
and <<= 1: 512
temp = xor ^ and: 1078
and &= xor: 512
xor = temp: 1078
and <<= 1: 1024
temp = xor ^ and: 54
and &= xor: 1024
xor = temp: 54
and <<= 1: 2048
temp = xor ^ and: 2102
and &= xor: 0
xor = temp: 2102
Ergebnis: 2102 (means: result)

我很乐意提供任何帮助! :)



1001: 00000011 11101001
1101: 00000100 01001101

and ed时,您得到十进制73

  73: 00000000 01001001


first = Integer.parseInt(userInput.readLine(), 2);


System.out.println("Ergebnis: " + Integer.toBinaryString(xor));

10-06 09:18