


I previously asked a question on how to analyse large datasets (how can I analyse 13GB of data). One promising response was to add the data into a MySQL database using natural keys and thereby make use of INNODB's clustered indexing.


I've added the data to the database with a schema that looks like this:

| Field    | Type             | Null | Key | Default | Extra |
| ip       | int(10) unsigned | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |
| infohash | varchar(40)      | NO   | PRI | NULL    |       |


The two fields together form the primary key.


This table represents known instances of peers downloading torrents. I'd like to be able to provide information on how many torrents can be found at peers. I'm going to draw a histogram of the frequencies of which I see numbers of torrents (e.g. 20 peers have 2 torrents, 40 peers have 3, ...).


SELECT `count`, COUNT(`ip`) 
    FROM (SELECT `ip`, COUNT(`infohash`) AS `count`
              FROM TorrentsPerPeer
              GROUP BY `ip`) AS `counts`
    GROUP BY `count`;


| id | select_type | table          | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_length | ref    | rows     | Extra       |
| 1  | SIMPLE      | TorrentPerPeer | index | [Null]        | PRIMARY | 126        | [Null] | 79262772 | Using index |

我似乎无法对完整查询执行EXPLAIN,因为它花费的时间太长.此 bug 表示这是因为它首先运行了子查询.

I can't seem to do an EXPLAIN for the full query because it takes way too long. This bug suggests it's because it's running the sub query first.

此查询当前正在运行(并且已经运行了一个小时). top报告说,mysqld仅使用约5%的可用CPU,而RSIZE却在稳定增加.我的假设是服务器正在RAM中建立临时表,以用于完成查询.

This query is currently running (and has been for an hour). top is reporting that mysqld is only using ~5% of the available CPU whilst its RSIZE is steadily increasing. My assumption here is that the server is building temporary tables in RAM that it's using to complete the query.


My question is then; how can I improve the performance of this query? Should I change the query somehow? I've been altering the server settings in the my.cnf file to increase the INNODB buffer pool size, should I change any other values?


If it matters the table is 79'262'772 rows deep and takes up ~8GB of disk space. I'm not expecting this to be an easy query, maybe 'patience' is the only reasonable answer.


EDIT Just to add that the query has finished and it took 105mins. That's not unbearable, I'm just hoping for some improvements.


我的直觉是,使用无符号int和varchar 40(尤其是varchar!),您现在拥有一个巨大的主键,它也使您的索引文件成为可能大到可以容纳您拥有Innodb_buffer_pool的任何RAM.这将使InnoDB在搜索时不得不依靠磁盘来交换索引页,这是很多磁盘的搜寻工作,而不是大量的CPU工作.

My hunch is that with an unsigned int and a varchar 40 (especially the varchar!) you have now a HUGE primary key and it is making your index file too big to fit in whatever RAM you have for Innodb_buffer_pool. This would make InnoDB have to rely on disk to swap index pages as it searches and that is a LOT of disk seeks and not a lot of CPU work.


One thing I did for a similar issue is use something in between a truly natural key and a surrogate key. We would take the 2 fields that are actually unique (one of which was also a varchar) and in the application layer would make a fixed width MD5 hash and use THAT as the key. Yes, it means more work for the app but it makes for a much smaller index file since you are no longer using an arbitrary length field.


OR, you could just use a server with tons of RAM and see if that makes the index fit in memory but I always like to make 'throw hardware at it' a last resort :)


11-03 09:53