

在编译以下代码段时,gcc和clang都只会发出警告。注意 \ 之后的 int 之后的空格:

When compiling the following snippet, both gcc and clang only issue a warning. Notice space after \ next to int:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void)
    int \ 
        a = 10;

    printf("%d\n", a);




In c99 standard in it says:


Why don't C compilers conform to C standard here? I think it's only their creators decision not to. I found a message on gcc mailing list that I think introduced this behavior: http://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc-patches/2000-09/msg00430.html. There, they say that this is done because trailing whitespaces are common and they don't want to treat them as an error. How common is that?


只要文件更改<$ c $,就允许编译器扩展语言。 c> gcc 在他们的文档中的。

The compiler is allowed to extend the language as long as the document the change which gcc does in their docs in section 6.21 Slightly Looser Rules for Escaped Newlines.

clang gcc 扩展名,并指向 gcc 文档:

and clang strives to support gcc extensions and points to the gcc docs on them:

因此,他们履行了对标准的义务。实际上,,您可以使用 -pedantic-errors 标志进行设置它是一个错误:

gcc also documents that you can use the -pedantic flag to generate a warning when using extensions and you can use -pedantic-errors flag to make it an error:


11-01 07:20