

scala> val p=sc.textFile("file:///c:/_home/so-posts.xml", 8) //i've 8 cores
p: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[56] at textFile at <console>:21

scala> p.partitions.size
res33: Int = 729

我原本希望打印8个,并且在Spark UI中看到729个任务

I was expecting 8 to be printed and I see 729 tasks in Spark UI

按照@ zero323的建议调用repartition()

After calling repartition() as suggested by @zero323

scala> p1 = p.repartition(8)
scala> p1.partitions.size
res60: Int = 8
scala> p1.count

即使spark-shell打印8,我仍然在Spark UI中看到729个任务.

I still see 729 tasks in the Spark UI even though the spark-shell prints 8.



textFile(path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[String] 


you'll see that the argument you use is called minPartitions and this pretty much describes its function. In some cases even that is ignored but it is a different matter. Input format which is used behind the scenes still decides how to compute splits.


In this particular case you could probably use mapred.min.split.size to increase split size (this will work during load) or simply repartition after loading (this will take effect after data is loaded) but in general there should be no need for that.


11-02 18:30