

我正在使用一些第三方代码,这些代码依赖于com.sun.javadoc.*包中的类.这种依赖性以及其他一些依赖性意味着代码将仅使用 Sun/Oracle JDK 构建,而不使用 OpenJDK 构建.

I am working with some third party code that has dependencies on classes in the com.sun.javadoc.* package. This and some other dependencies mean that the code will only build with Sun/Oracle JDK, and not OpenJDK.


I don't have an option to remove the dependencies, so I would like the build to fail early and with an easy to understand error message if someone tries to build using a JDK that is not supported.

是否可以通过pom文件将JDK供应商和JDK版本强制为Oracle 1.6 JDK?

Is there a way of enforcing the JDK Vendor and JDK Version to be Oracle 1.6 JDK in the pom file?

感谢 carlspring的答案,我设法成功了.尚未在所有供应商和VM版本上进行全面测试,但这只是一个开始.

Thanks to carlspring's answer, I have managed to get this working. It's not thoroughly tested across all vendors and VM versions, but it's a start.

              <message>Java Vendor must be Sun/Oracle.</message>
              <regex>Sun Microsystems Inc\.</regex>
              <regexMessage>Java Vendor must be Sun/Oracle.</regexMessage>
              <message>Java Vendor must be Sun/Oracle.</message>
              <regex>Java\(TM\) SE Runtime Environment</regex>
              <regexMessage>Java Vendor must be Sun/Oracle.</regexMessage>


我建议您使用 maven-enforcer-plugin 并编写您自己的自定义规则.

I would suggest you use the maven-enforcer-plugin and write your own custom rule.


10-29 17:01