

我在我的应用程序中使用 Hibernate ORM 和 PostgreSQL,有时我使用批处理操作.起初我不明白为什么在batch size = 25的日志中,会生成25个查询,一开始以为它不能正常工作.但是之后我查看了pg驱动的源代码,在PgStatement类中发现了以下几行:

I use Hibernate ORM and PostgreSQL in my application, and sometimes i use batch operations.And at first I didn't understand why in the logs with size of the batch = 25, 25 queries are generated, and at first thought that it does not work correctly.But after that I looked at the source code of the pg driver and found the following lines in the PgStatement class:

 public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException {
        if (this.batchStatements != null && !this.batchStatements.isEmpty()) {
//confuses next line, because we have array of identical queries
            Query[] queries = (Query[])this.batchStatements.toArray(new Query[0]);
            ParameterList[] parameterLists =
(ParameterList[])this.batchParameters.toArray(new ParameterList[0]);

在 PgPreparedStatement 类中

and in PgPreparedStatement class

    public void addBatch() throws SQLException {
        if (batchStatements == null) {
          batchStatements = new ArrayList<Query>();
          batchParameters = new ArrayList<ParameterList>();

        Query query = preparedQuery.query;
    //confuses next line
        if (!(query instanceof BatchedQuery) || batchStatements.isEmpty()) {

我注意到事实证明,如果批次的大小变为 25,发送了 25 个带有附加参数的查询.

I noticed that it turns out that if the size of the batch goes 25,25 queries are sent with the parameters attached to them.


Logs of the database confirm this, for example:

2017-12-06 01:22:08.023 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory СООБЩЕНИЕ:  выполнение S_3: BEGIN
2017-12-06 01:22:08.024 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory СООБЩЕНИЕ:  выполнение S_4: select nextval ('tests_id_seq')
2017-12-06 01:22:08.041 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory СООБЩЕНИЕ:  выполнение S_2: insert into tests (name, id) values ($1, $2)
2017-12-06 01:22:08.041 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory ПОДРОБНОСТИ:  параметры: $1 = 'test', $2 = '1'
2017-12-06 01:22:08.041 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory СООБЩЕНИЕ:  выполнение S_2: insert into tests (name, id) values ($1, $2)
2017-12-06 01:22:08.041 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory ПОДРОБНОСТИ:  параметры: $1 = 'test', $2 = '2'
x23 queries with parameters
2017-12-06 01:22:08.063 MSK [18402] postgres@buzzfactory СООБЩЕНИЕ:  выполнение S_5: COMMIT

但我认为必须使用包含 25 个参数的数组来执行一个查询.或者我不明白批量插入如何与准备好的语句一起工作?为什么重复一个查询 n 次?

But i thought one query must be executed with an array of 25 parameters.Or I don't understand how batch inserts work with a prepared statement?Why duplicate one query n times?


After all, i tried to debug my queries on this place

if (!(query instanceof BatchedQuery) || batchStatements.isEmpty()) {

并注意到我的查询始终是 SimpleQuery 的实例,而不是 BatchedQuery.也许这是解决问题的方法?我找不到有关 BatchedQuery 的信息

and noticed that my queries are always instance of SimpleQuery instead of BatchedQuery. Maybe this is the solution to the problem? Information about BatchedQuery i couldn't find


可能涉及到各种批处理,我将介绍其中的 PostgreSQL JDBC 驱动程序 (pgjdbc) 部分.

There might be various kinds of batching involved, and I would cover PostgreSQL JDBC driver (pgjdbc) part of it.

TL;DR:在使用批处理 API 的情况下,pgjdbc 确实使用较少的网络往返.BatchedQuery 仅在 reWriteBatchedInserts=true 传递给 pgjdbc 连接设置时使用.

TL;DR: pgjdbc does use less network roundrips in case batch API is used. BatchedQuery is used only if reWriteBatchedInserts=true is passed to the pgjdbc connection settings.

您可能会发现 https://www.slideshare.net/VladimirSitnikv/postgresql-and-jdbc-striving-for-high-performance 相关(幻灯片 44,...)

You might find https://www.slideshare.net/VladimirSitnikv/postgresql-and-jdbc-striving-for-high-performance relevant (slide 44,...)


When it comes to query execution, network latency is often a significant part of the elapsed time.

假设情况是插入 10 行.

Suppose the case is to insert 10 rows.

  1. 没有批处理(例如,在循环中只是PreparedStatement#execute).驱动程序将执行以下操作

  1. No batching (e.g. just PreparedStatement#execute in a loop). The driver would perform the following

execute query
sync <-- wait for the response from the DB
execute query
sync <-- wait for the response from the DB
execute query
sync <-- wait for the response from the DB


Notable time would be spent in the "waiting for the DB"

JDBC 批处理 API.即 PreparedStatement#addBatch() 使驱动程序能够在单个网络往返中发送多个查询执行".然而,当前的实现仍然会将大批量拆分为小批量以避免 TCP 死锁.

JDBC batch API. That is PreparedStatement#addBatch() enables driver to send multiple "query executions" in a single network roundtrip. Current implementation, however would still split large batches into smaller ones to avoid TCP deadlock.


execute query
execute query
execute query
execute query
sync <-- wait for the response from the DB

  • 请注意,即使使用 #addBatch,也存在执行查询"命令的开销.单独处理每条消息确实需要服务器花费大量时间.

  • Note, that even with #addBatch, there's overhead of "execute query" commands. It does take server notable time to process each message individually.


    One of the ways to reduce the number of queries is to use multi-values insert. For instance:

    insert into tab(a,b,c) values (?,?,?), (?,?,?), ..., (?,?,?)

    这个 PostgreSQL 可以一次插入多行.缺点是您没有详细的(每行)错误消息.目前 Hibernate 没有实现多值插入.

    This PostgreSQL enables to insert multiple rows at once. The drawback is you don't have detailed (per-row) error message. Currently Hibernate does not implement multi-values insert.

    然而,从 9.4.1209 (2016-07-15) 开始,pgjdbc 可以将常规批量插入重写为多值.

    However pgjdbc can rewrite regular batch inserts into multi-values on the fly since 9.4.1209 (2016-07-15).

    为了激活多值重写,您需要添加reWriteBatchedInserts=true 连接属性.该功能最初是在 https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/pull/491

    In order to activate multi-values rewrite, you need to add reWriteBatchedInserts=true connection property. The feature was initially developed in https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/pull/491

    使用 2 条语句来插入 10 行已经足够聪明了.第一个是8值语句,第二个是2值语句.使用 2 的幂使 pgjdbc 能够保持不同语句的数量正常,这提高了性能,因为常用语句是服务器准备好的(参见 PostgreSQL 服务器端准备好的语句的生命周期是多少 )

    It is smart enough to use 2 statements in order to insert 10 rows. The first one is 8-valued statement, and the second one is 2-valued statement. Usage of powers of two enables pgjdbc to keep the number of distinct statements sane, and that improves performance as often-used statements are server-prepared (see What's the life span of a PostgreSQL server-side prepared statement )

    BatchedQuery 表示这种多值语句,因此您将看到该类仅在 reWriteBatchedInserts=true 情况下使用.

    BatchedQuery is representing that kind of multi-valued statements, so you will see that class used in reWriteBatchedInserts=true case only.

    该功能的缺点可能包括:作为批处理结果"的细节较低.例如,常规批处理为您提供每条语句行数",但是在多值情况下,您只会获得语句完成"状态.最重要的是,即时重写器可能无法解析某些 SQL 语句(例如 https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/issues/1045).

    The drawbacks of the feature might include: lower details as the "batch result". For instance, regular batch gives you "per statement rowcount", however in multi-values case you just get "statement completed" status. On top of that, on-the-fly rewritter might fail to parse certain SQL statements (e.g. https://github.com/pgjdbc/pgjdbc/issues/1045 ).


  • 08-12 04:42