

我为 Protractor 编写了一个自定义定位器,它通过 ui-sref 值查找 anchor 元素.在我的规范中,我只是使用 by.addLocator 添加自定义定位器,但我认为发布并让其他人使用它可能是一件很酷的事情.

I wrote a custom locator for Protractor that finds anchor elements by their ui-sref value. In my specs I just used by.addLocator to add the custom locator, but I figured this might be a cool thing to publish and have other people use it.

我们的目标是将此自定义定位器添加到全局 Protractor 对象中,以便在您的任何规范中使用它.

The goal is to add this custom locator to the global Protractor object so it can be used in any of your specs.

我最初的方法是在 Protractor 配置的 onPrepare 块中添加此功能.类似于下面的伪代码:

My initial approach was to add this functionality in the onPrepare block of the Protractor config. Something like the pseudocode below:

onPrepare: function () {
  require('ui-sref-locator')(protractor); // The protractor object is available here.


That require statement would just execute this function:

function (ptorInstance) {
  ptorInstance.by.addLocator('uiSref', function (toState, opt_parentElement) {
    var using = opt_parentElement || document;
    var possibleAnchors = using.querySelectorAll('a[ui-sref="' + toState +'"]');
    var result = undefined;

    if (possibleAnchors.length === 0) {
      result = null;
    } else if (possibleAnchors.length === 1) {
      result = possibleAnchors[0];
    } else {
      result = possibleAnchors;

    return result;

问题是 by 没有在 onPrepare 块中可用的 protractor 对象上定义.这意味着我不能使用 .addLocator 方法.

The problem is that by is not defined on the protractor object available in the onPrepare block. This means that I cannot use the .addLocator method.



function () {
  by.addLocator('uiSref', function (toState, opt_parentElement) {

By 应该在全局范围内.

By should be in the global scope.


09-27 00:34