

根据 doc ,看来方法会对图进行深层复制.我最担心的是声明

According the doc, it appears that the networkx.copy method does a deep copy of the graph. I'm most concerned about the statement


Is this suggesting that it makes a copy of what the nodes contain as well? For example if I have the following

class NodeContainer(object):

    def __init__(self, stuff):
        self.stuff = stuff

    # ..other class stuff

g = networkx.DiGraph():

n1 = NodeContainer(stuff1)
n2 = NodeContainer(stuff2)


g2 = g.copy()

g2 = g.copy()行中是否也在复制NodeContainer对象的深层副本?如果是这样,是否存在浅表副本的现有实现?我一直找不到.我之所以这样问是因为我目前已用于创建一个图形副本,该图形我将进行编辑(从中删除节点),但不会更改实际节点本身.因此,从这个意义上讲,我不需要深度复制,而只是图形结构的表示.

In the g2 = g.copy() line is it making deep copies of the NodeContainer objects as well? If so, is there an existing implementation of a shallow copy? I have not been able to find one. I ask because I currently have use to create a copy a graph that I will edit (remove nodes from) but not change the actual nodes themselves. So I don't need a deep copy in that sense, just a representation of the graph structure.


If possible I'd also like to do a shallow reverse()



You can make a shallow copy by using the class constructor. E.g. for graphs,

In [1]: import networkx as nx

In [2]: G = nx.Graph()

In [3]: G.add_edge(1,2,l=['a','b','c'])

In [4]: H = nx.Graph(G) # shallow copy

In [5]: H[1][2]['l']
Out[5]: ['a', 'b', 'c']

In [6]: H[1][2]['l'].append('d')

In [7]: H[1][2]['l']
Out[7]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']

In [8]: G[1][2]['l']
Out[8]: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']


10-20 11:01