本文介绍了带有导轨的Google Polymer 4的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我已经构建了一个Ruby on Rails应用程序.我想在我的ruby on rails应用程序中使用聚合物.有人会建议一些好的资源来学习带轨道的聚合物吗?

I have build a Ruby on rails app.I want to use polymer with my ruby on rails app. Cam anybody suggest some good resources to learn polymer with rails ?


Is it efficient to use polymer with ruby on rails ?Please also suggest other better options than polymer, if any ?


我正在使用Bower,所以我希望您已经在系统上安装了Bower.(酿造安装节点&& npm安装弓箭手)

I am using bower, so I expect you already have bower setup on your system.(brew install node && npm install bower)

  1. 设置您的宝石

  1. Set up you gems

gem 'bower-rails'
gem 'emcee'

  • bundle install

    rails g bower_rails:initialize

    rails g emcee:install


    Setup your bower file. Below is what mine looks like:

    asset 'angular'
    asset 'angular-route'
    asset 'angular-resource'
    asset 'angular-mocks'
    asset 'webcomponentsjs'
    asset 'polymer', github: 'Polymer/polymer' 
    asset 'polymer-core-elements', github: 'Polymer/core-elements' 
    asset 'polymer-paper-elements', github: 'Polymer/paper-elements'
    asset 'platform'
    # Voice Synthesis and Recognition
    asset 'voice-elements'


    Figure out the ones you need and delete the rest.

    rake bower:install

    rake bower:install
    To download the components but take note that the files will be saved in vendor/assets/bower_components and not vendor/assets/components expected by emcee. So you will need to make symbolic link.


    • 首先删除组件,即rm -rf vendor/assets/components
    • 然后设置符号链接,即ln -s vendor/assets/bower_components vendor/assets/components
    • first remove components i.e. rm -rf vendor/assets/components
    • then set up the symlink i.e. ln -s vendor/assets/bower_components vendor/assets/components


    # app/assets/components/application.html
    *= require polymer/polymer
    # app/assets/javascripts/application.js
    //= require angular/angular
    //= require angular-route/angular-route
    //= require angular-resource/angular-resource
    //= require webcomponentsjs/webcomponents
    //= require platform/platform


    (Please note that I only included all I am using for testing. As stated before, remove those you don't need).


    Just some house cleaning you jump off to start trying things out. Include Bower components in rake assets path.

    # config/application.rb
    config.assets.paths << Rails.root.join("vendor","assets","bower_components")


    And that is about it for setup. Jump on it and start using it.


    Include html import tag in your layout file

    = html_import_tag "application", "data-turbolinks-track" => true

  • 然后在您的视图中调用示例聚合物

  • And call a sample polymer in your view

    # sample.html.haml
    %paper-tabs{:selected => "0", :scrollable => ""}
      %paper-tab Skills
      %paper-tab Experiences
      %paper-tab Education

  • 参考 http://angular-rails.com/bootstrap.html http://www.akitaonrails.com/2014/06/29/usando -polymer-com-rails#.VHcoW2SsV81

    这篇关于带有导轨的Google Polymer 4的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    10-22 10:11