

我实现了hyperledger composer教程,创建了一个简单的业务网络定义,并通过composer对其进行了部署,并通过composer-rest-server实现了其余的API.现在我想在另一台可以访问我先前创建的区块链的本地计算机上添加一个对等节点,所以我的问题是如何实现连接到我在作曲家教程中创建的区块链的另一对等节点(另一台本地计算机) ?

I implemented hyperledger composer tutorial and create a simple business network definition and deploy it on through composer and implement it's rest API's through composer-rest-server. Now I want to add one more peer to it on a different local machine which can access blockchain I created previously, so my question is How can I achieve that a different peer node (another local machine) connected to blockchain I created in the composer tutorial?


,您可以检查Ahmed Nasser提供的S/Overflow链接,该链接与将对等方添加到现有Fabric网络有关.

you can check the S/Overflow link provided by Ahmed Nasser relating to adding your peer to an existing Fabric network.


Once you have your Fabric network up and running, and all of your network configuration / resolution / docker configuration tested and working, you can come to Composer to define the connection info, such as adding additional peers (and therefore create the requisite business network cards that contain that info).

这个单一的组织教程可以让您了解所涉及的内容-它基于已经创建的Fabric网络(一个简单的,单点Fabric Fabric区块链开发环境)..请参阅此处-> "> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/tutorials/deploy-to- fabric-single-org.html

This single organisation tutorial can give you an idea of what's involved - it builds upon a Fabric network that was already created (a simple, one-peer Fabric blockchain Dev environment) ..see here -> https://hyperledger.github.io/composer/tutorials/deploy-to-fabric-single-org.html


It obviously refers to 'localhost' in this scenario - obviously, you are creating something on an IP network, so you will need IP addresses/ host resolution as appropriate.


10-25 01:40