

我当前正在安装一个需要使用pip编译代码(dlib)的模块. Pip运行setup.py,后者运行cmake并遵守代码.指定要安装的模块时,是否可以将自定义cmake标志传递给pip,还是我手动运行cmake的唯一选择?我实际上并没有找到太多有关此搜索的信息.

I'm currently installing a module that requires compiled code (dlib) using pip. Pip runs setup.py which runs cmake and complies the code. Is there a way to pass custom cmake flags to pip when specifying a module to install or is my only option to run cmake manually? I wasn't really able to find much about this searching around.


PR 在OS X上使用现成的Python 2.7.11为我工作.

This PR works for me, on OS X using a brewed Python 2.7.11.


10-30 08:36