

这似乎更清洁的申报记录,并调用 LogManager.GetLogger 在基类让大家谁是继承可以使用它。然而,在log4net的网站和其他博客就像本博客帖子它指出,最好是每声明类中的一个记录器,因为:

It seems cleaner to declare a logger and call LogManager.GetLogger in a base class so that everyone who is inheriting can use it. However, on log4net site and other blogs like in this blog post it states that it is better to declare one logger per class because:



Does this mean if I put it in base class, it will make that logger a bottleneck?


If so, are there other solutions or do I just have to create a logger per class?



The post is not telling you to use a different logger in each derived class, but instead a different logger per class type. You can, but don't have to use a new logger instance in each derived class.


One way to look at it is that it might be confusing to have two separate loggers instantiated at the same time (because the base one will still exist), especially if you hide the base one using the same logger name. Your base class methods (not overridden) will still reference the base static logger, and overridden ones will use a different one.


Also, the article instantiates the logger like this:

static ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType );


while a slightly simpler way might be to use:

static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(YourClass));

首先,它标志着只读,这意味着你将无法改变不慎,一旦被初始化的领域。而使用类型将相同的方式工作与反思,但稍快(解决在编译时)。 Visual Studio中也将自动更新类的名称,如果你选择重命名它(这不是吗,你使用的字符串过载)。

First of all, it's marked readonly, meaning you won't be able to change the field accidentally, once initialized. And using the type will work the same way as with reflection, but slightly faster (resolved at compile time). Visual Studio will also update the class name automatically if you choose to rename it (which it wouldn't it you used the string overload).


11-02 11:37