


Looks like MSAGL is not available in Windows Store. What is the current status of this?



Is there currently any way to purchase MSAGL so I can use it in a commercial project other than buying an MSDN subscription?

另外,我在Lev的页面上看到MSAGL包含在VS 2010 Ultimate和VS中的参考文献2012 Pro和更新但在我的VS 2012 Pro和2013 Pro安装文件夹下我只发现它隐藏在IDE PrivateAssemblies文件夹中,因此显然不打算将

Also, I saw references on Lev's page that MSAGL is included in VS 2010 Ultimate and VS 2012 Pro and newer but under my VS 2012 Pro and 2013 Pro install folders I only find it buried in the IDE PrivateAssemblies folder so it's obviously not intended to be reused.

Microsoft - 请帮助我们给您钱或更正可以在MSDN订阅之外购买的页面。如果我不能单独购买,那么我想知道这一点,所以我可以寻找替代方案。

Microsoft - please help us give you money or correct the pages that say it can be purchased outside of a MSDN subscription. If I can't purchase it separately then I'd like to know that for sure so I can be looking for an alternative.


10-28 15:27