本文介绍了有人听说NLTK 3.0何时发布吗?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


该网站 http://www.nltk.org 在2011年中期的描述非常含糊.我想开始使用NLTK,但是我在Python 3.x上做了很多工作,我不想为了使用它而不得不在Python版本中倒退.只是做一次努力分析,如果等待时间足够长,我可能会硬着头皮恢复我的Python.

The website, http://www.nltk.org, says mid 2011 in a very vague manner. I would like to start using NLTK however I have done a fair amount of work with Python 3.x and I don't want to have to go backwards in Python version just to use it. Just doing an effort analysis, if the wait is long enough I might bite the bullet and revert my Python.


有一个Python 3分支:

There's a Python 3 branch:



It's a transformation of the trunk and gets updated every so often to keep up with changes. You can check it out directly from git (instead of using the NLTK installation) and give it a shot.

git clone git://github.com/nltk/nltk.git nltk --branch nltk-py3k


I haven't used it personally, but I assume it works.

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10-28 10:12