本文介绍了R 中 S4 对象、方法和编程的来源的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



因为我经常遇到需要 S4 编程来保持概览的情况,所以我收集了很多关于 S4 对象、方法和编程的资源.我在这里列出了它们作为参考.也请添加您自己的来源.

As I'm often confronted with situations where S4 programming is needed to keep an overview, I've collected quite some sources on S4 objects, methods and programming. I've listed them here as a reference. Please add your own sources as well.


  • The methods help files : help files from the package methods, where much of the necessary information can be found
  • S4 classes in 15 pages : Short introduction on the programming with S4 objects.
  • How S4 methods work : more explanation about the underlying mechanisms.
  • Not so short introduction to S4 : with practical examples of how to construct the classes and some useful tips. It contains a handy overview as appendix, but contains errors as well. Care should be taken using this one.
  • OOP in R : handout notes with practical examples on S3 and S4
  • S4 Objects : presentation by Thomas Lumley about S4 objects.
  • R object oriented programming : in-depth introduction to object oriented programming in R. It covers S3, S4 and S4 reference classes. The accompanying sequences package implements the class system used throughout the slides.


  • 使用 R 进行数据分析编程的软件 (J. Chambers):经典,虽然在所有地方都没有得到正面评价,但其中包含大量关于 S4 的部分
  • 生物信息学的 R 编程(R. Gentleman):专门针对完全基于 S4 的 Bioconductor 工作.但它提供了广泛的概述,对许多其他人也很有用.


PS : if somebody finds the community checkbox, you can make this a community-owned post. Somehow I can't find it in the edit window any more...


我写的 S4(仍在进行中)可以在这里找到:http://adv-r.had.co.nz/S4.html

My write up of S4 (still in progress) is available here: http://adv-r.had.co.nz/S4.html

这篇关于R 中 S4 对象、方法和编程的来源的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!


09-07 17:54