I haven't been successful in getting Excel for Mac VBA to export directly to UTF-8 so I want to convert these files with PHP before I save them to MySQL, I am using this command:$dataset[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'ASCII', 'UTF-8'); //not correctly converted$dataset[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'ISO-8859-8', 'UTF-8'); //not correctly converted$dataset[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'macintosh', 'UTF-8'); //unrecognized name$dataset[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'Windows-1251', 'UTF-8'); //changes "schön" to "schљn"$dataset[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($line, 'Windows-1252', 'UTF-8'); //changes "schön" to "schšn"我发现此有效编码格式列表(从2008年开始),但似乎没有一个代表Western (Mac OS Roman).I found this list of valid encoding formats from 2008, but none of them seem to represent Western (Mac OS Roman).* UCS-4* UCS-4BE* UCS-4LE* UCS-2* UCS-2BE* UCS-2LE* UTF-32* UTF-32BE* UTF-32LE* UTF-16* UTF-16BE* UTF-16LE* UTF-7* UTF7-IMAP* UTF-8* ASCII* EUC-JP* SJIS* eucJP-win* SJIS-win* ISO-2022-JP* JIS* ISO-8859-1* ISO-8859-2* ISO-8859-3* ISO-8859-4* ISO-8859-5* ISO-8859-6* ISO-8859-7* ISO-8859-8* ISO-8859-9* ISO-8859-10* ISO-8859-13* ISO-8859-14* ISO-8859-15* byte2be* byte2le* byte4be* byte4le* BASE64* HTML-ENTITIES* 7bit* 8bit* EUC-CN* CP936* HZ* EUC-TW* CP950* BIG-5* EUC-KR* UHC (CP949)* ISO-2022-KR* Windows-1251 (CP1251)* Windows-1252 (CP1252)* CP866 (IBM866)* KOI8-R 我需要使用什么格式将西方(Mac OS Roman)转换为UTF-8? 推荐答案 mb函数无法处理"macintosh",这是IANA为Mac Roman定义的名称.您必须使用iconv.The mb-functions can't handle "macintosh" which is the IANA defined name for Mac Roman. You have to use iconv.$line = iconv('macintosh', 'UTF-8', $line); 这篇关于如何转换“西方(Mac OS Roman)"用PHP将文本格式化为UTF-8?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-31 02:57