本文介绍了马丁格尔模拟的 R 帮助的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在尝试在 R 中进行马丁格尔模拟,我下注一个金额,如果我赢了,我下注相同的金额,但如果我输了,我下注的金额翻倍.我一直这样做,直到我没钱下注或下注 100 次为止.然后我必须做 100 次鞅模拟.当我应用我的代码时,出现以下错误;

I'm trying to make a martingale simulation in R where I bet an amount and if I win I bet the same amount but if I lose, I bet double the amount. I do this until I run out of money to bet or have bet 100 times. I then have to do the martingale simulation 100 times. When I apply my code, I get the following errors;


martingale_function(m, c, n, p) 中的错误:找不到函数martingale_function"

Error in martingale_function(m, c, n, p) : could not find function "martingale_function"


(I don't know why I get this error)

m = amount to bet
c = initial bet
n= number of round
p = probability of winning 

martingale_function <- function(m,c,n,p){
  for(i in 1:n){
    betting_money <- m
    amount_bet <- c
    end_Sim <- FALSE
      if(runif(1) = p){
        betting_money <- betting_money + amount_bet
        amount_bet <- amount_bet
      else {
        betting_money <- betting_money - amount_bet
        amount_bet <- amount_bet*2
      if(betting_money <= 0|i=100){# if we have no more money left to bet or have done it 100 times we stop
        end_Sim <- TRUE
}   return(betting_money)  
iteration_function <- function(m,c,n,p){
  for(i in 1:100){
    return(data.frame(Iteriation=i,AmountLeft = martingale_function(m,c,n,p)))




  • 第 13 行:不应该是 runif(1) = p,也许你的意思是 runif(1) ?
  • 第 15 行:我怀疑你的意思是 amount_bet 而不是 amount_bet
  • 第 21 行:应该是 i==100 而不是 i=100
  • 第 26 行:} 应该移到 return() 行之前
  • Line 13: shouldn't be runif(1) = p, perhaps you meant runif(1) < p?
  • Line 15: I suspect you meant amount_bet <- c instead of amount_bet <- amount_bet
  • Line 21: should be i==100 not i=100
  • Line 26: } should be moved before return() line


Things that don't affect execution of code, but should be changed:

  • 第 16 行:编写 } else { 一行一行是很好的编程习惯
  • 第 24 行:您应该将 return() 移动到它自己的行
  • Line 16: it's good programming practice to write } else { one one line
  • Line 24: you should move return() to its own line

另外,我不确定为什么有两个 for 循环.看来你只需要一个.

Also, I'm not sure why there are two for loops. It seems like you only need one.


Here's my re-write of your code (with some assumptions about exactly what you're trying to do):

# write betting function
martingale <- function(m, c, p) {
    money   <- m
    betsize <- c
    i <- 1
    while(money > 0 & i <= 100) {
        if(runif(1) < p) {
            money <- money + betsize
            betsize <- c
        } else {
            money <- money - betsize
            betsize <- betsize * 2
        i <- i + 1

# run it 100 times
n <- 100
res_df <- data.frame(iteration = rep(NA_integer_, n), amountleft = rep(NA_real_, n))
for (i in 1:n) {
    res_df[i , "iteration"]  <- i
    res_df[i , "amountleft"] <- martingale(m=650, c=5, p=18/38)

这篇关于马丁格尔模拟的 R 帮助的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

11-02 18:51