本文介绍了焦点跟随Mac Sierra中的鼠标(不自动升高)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm aware of the other threads on this topic but they are autoraised-based and/or all the answers point to software that's no longer being developed. I'm just looking for this simple feature: focus follows mouse WITHOUT autoraise for Mac. Zooom2 was able to perform this, but they are no longer developing their software. I'm not using the terminal and need to copy/paste and read between multiple programs with multiple windows, someone please tell you've found a solution to this?


chunkwm 最近添加了一个设置ffm_disable_autoraise,该设置在macOS Mojave上对我来说效果很好.要仅启用关注鼠标跟随"功能,请按照安装步骤操作,然后编辑~/.chunkwmrc以注释掉不需要的插件并启用FFM

chunkwm has recently added a setting ffm_disable_autoraise which works well for me on macOS Mojave. To enable only the Focus Follows Mouse feature, follow the install steps then edit ~/.chunkwmrc to comment out undesired plugins and enable FFM

# chunkc core::load border.so
# chunkc core::load tiling.so
chunkc core::load ffm.so


chunkc set ffm_disable_autoraise         1


The other available plugins are useful but are not the subject of this question.


Edit 2019-09-12:

chunkwm已被 yabai 取代.要安装:

chunkwm has been superseded by yabai. To install:

brew tap koekeishiya/formulae
brew install yabai
mkdir -p ~/.config/yabai/
printf 'yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse autofocus' >> ~/.config/yabai/yabairc
brew services start yabai

这篇关于焦点跟随Mac Sierra中的鼠标(不自动升高)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-31 04:21