

我正在构建一个简单的游戏,而且我一直在关注PIL书.这是我基于游戏的场景: http://www.lua.org/pil/16.1.html

I'm building a simple game and I've been following the PIL book. Here is the scenario I am basing my game off of:http://www.lua.org/pil/16.1.html


I'm struggling because there is only one module in the book and I'm trying to get 8 modules working together.


Here's a small part of my game: I have a Game module, a Board module and a Input/Output module for now.


I thought I understood when to use colon and when to use period, but I'm not understanding why, in the PIL example, the author is passing in "o" to the "new" method and why there is a colon on that method?


My Game module is supposed to be my highest level module. In it, I would think I would new up the board and input/output modules and get those working together. But what do those "new" (meaning initialize) methods look like for the board and input/output modules?


Here some code I've been working with (simplified):

Game = {}

function Game:new(o)
  o = {} or o
  setmetatable(o, self)
  self.__index = self
  -- need board and input_output instances below
  o.board = Board:new(o)
  o.input_output = Input_Output:new(o)
  return o

return Game
Board = {}

function Board:new(o)
  o = o or {}
  -- need layout attribute here
  o.layout = { create_layout() }
  setmetatable(o, self)
  self.__index = self
  return o

return Board
Input_Output = {}

function Input_Output:new(o)
  o = o or {}
  -- need read and write attributes here
  o.read = stdin
  o.write = stdout
  setmetatable(o, self)
  self.__index = self
  return o

return Input_Output


In an OOP language like Ruby, Game would hold instances of my Board and Input_Output classes. Then if I drilled down to game.board, I could see the public attributes and public methods on board.


However, when I am newing up these 2 "classes" in game, something weird is going on. My self and o variables are not what I would expect them to be (I'm using lua_inspect). I seem to maybe be overwriting data in the o variable with each new instance of a module?


I'm so lost and I think it's because of the "new" method. I'm just not getting it.


Can anyone explain? My questions mainly are - what's with the "o" in the example and why is there a colon on the "new" method?



Actually there's no "official" classes in Lua, so you can implement them any way you want. In this particular implementation o is the new instance, possibly with some pre-defined parameters. It inherits all members of parent, be they values or methods - functions - that's all the same in Lua. If you do not supply an o in this call at all, an empty table will be created for you.

:只是function Game.new(self, o)的语法糖-也就是说,它添加了一个名为self的第一个参数.

: in function definition is just a syntactic sugar for function Game.new(self, o) - that is, it adds a very first parameter called self.

您应该像local my_game = Game:new()一样调用此函数.之后,my_game将成为具有my_game.boardmy_game.input_output成员的表.

You should call this function like local my_game = Game:new(). After that, my_game will be a table that have my_game.board and my_game.input_output members.


Your current question is not exactly clear on what do you see and how it is different from what you expect. If you provide more details, I can add more details to answer too.


10-25 02:00