


I have 4 test cases and I believe that all of them are valid:

constexpr int f(int const& /*unused*/){
    return 1;

void g(int const& p){
    constexpr int a = f(p); // clang error, gcc valid

    int v = 0;
    constexpr int b = f(v); // clang valid, gcc valid

    int const& r = v;
    constexpr int c = f(r); // clang error, gcc error

    int n = p;
    constexpr int d = f(n); // clang valid, gcc valid

int main(){
    int p = 0;


Clang and GCC differ only in the first test case.

我用clang 4&

I tested with clang 4 & 5 (20170319) and with GCC 7.0.1 (20170221).

5(20170319)和GCC 7.0.1(20170221)。

If I'm right it would massively simplify the usage of boost::hana in static_assert's.

如果我是对的,它将大大简化在static_assert中使用boost :: hana的过程。 p>



  • [...]
  • an id-expression that refers to a variable or data member of reference type unless the reference has a preceding initialization and either

  • [...]

  • 引用引用类型的变量或数据成员的 id-expression ,除非引用具有先前的初始化并且

    • 它使用常量表达式初始化,或者

    • it is initialized with a constant expression or

    其生存期始于对的求值e ;

    p r 。因此 f(p) f(r)都不是核心常量表达式,因此都不能用于初始化 constexpr 变量。叮当是正确的。

    Neither condition is satisfied for p or r. Therefore neither f(p) nor f(r) is a core constant expression and hence neither can be used to initialize a constexpr variable. Clang is correct.


10-25 08:01