


I have 7 apps on store, but when I try to install 3 of them I get duplicate provider authority error on the second of these 3 that I try to install.


none of my apps have provider in manifest...




I faced the same issue. I then checked the full manifest as suggested in the comment above by Commonsware. My full manifest was having a provider but as it was merged from play-service-measurement library module, so at first glance it looked okay to me.

但实际上它有问题,由于它的权威。此汇市正确地宣布当局在其清单与 $ {}的applicationID 占位符为preFIX属性。但由于在构建系统中的错误,如果应用程序的的build.gradle 并没有任何已的applicationID 那么这个占位符正在通过库的包名称,而不是我们的应用程序的软件包名称代替。这可能会导致有此提供相同的权限多个应用程序。这里是。

But actually it had the issue due to its authority. This provider has correctly declared its authorities attribute in its manifest with ${applicationId} placeholder as a prefix. But due to a bug in build system, if app's build.gradle does not has any applicationId then this placeholder is being replaced by library's package name instead of our app's package name. It may result in multiple apps having same authority for this provider. Here is a link for this issue.

作为一种变通方法,我们就可以声明的applicationID在我们的的build.gradle ,它可以保持相同在大多数情况下表现的包名。如果你想保持不同的值,这两个,你可以了解的。

As a workaround, we can just declare an applicationId in our build.gradle, which can be kept same as package name in manifest in most cases. In case you want to keep different values for these two, you can read further about the differences between manifest's package name and build.gradle's applicationId.


10-28 19:02