

我有一个Web API控制器。它调用返回一个IAsyncResult的方法。当我打电话控制器,我得到的错误

How do I get the controller to wait for the asyncresult?

I was planning to use await, but I may just not have figured out the syntax for this use case.

I haven't found an existing answer on SO.

I'm using c# 4.5

public string GetGridDataAsync()
        var proxy = new Proxy();
        return proxy.BeginGetDataAsync("test", ar => proxy.EndGetDataAsync(ar));             

public IAsyncResult BeginGetDataAsync(string r, AsyncCallback callback){}

public DataResponse[] EndGetDataAsync(IAsyncResult asyncResult){}

You can make your method an async Task<string>, create a Task based on the Async methods in the Proxy class and await that


public async Task<string> GetGridDataAsync()
    var proxy = new Proxy();
    return await Task.Factory.FromAsync(proxy.BeginGetDataAsync, proxy.EndGetDataAsync, "test", null);   


10-28 11:37