本文介绍了WARN ReliableDeliverySupervisor:与远程系统的关联失败,地址现在被设置为[5000] ms.原因:[已取消关联]的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在aws spark上运行以下句子

I am running the following sentence on aws spark

val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
import sqlContext.implicits._

case class Wiki(project: String, title: String, count: Int, byte_size: String)

val data = sc.textFile("s3n://+++/").map(_.split(" ")).filter(_.size ==4 ).map(p => Wiki(p(0), p(1), p(2).trim.toInt, p(3)))

val df = data.toDF()

val en_agg_df = df.filter("project = 'en'").select("title","count").groupBy("title").sum().collect()


can after about 2 hours running get the following error:

WARN ReliableDeliverySupervisor: Association with remote system    [akka.tcp://sparkYarnAM@] has failed, address is now gated for [5000] ms. Reason: [Disassociated] 
15/10/15 17:38:36 WARN YarnSchedulerBackend$YarnSchedulerEndpoint: ApplicationMaster has disassociated:
15/10/15 17:38:36 WARN YarnSchedulerBackend$YarnSchedulerEndpoint: ApplicationMaster has disassociated:
15/10/15 17:38:36 WARN ReliableDeliverySupervisor: Association with remote system [akka.tcp://sparkExecutor@ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:43340] has failed, address is now gated for [5000] ms. Reason: [Disassociated] 
15/10/15 17:38:36 ERROR YarnScheduler: Lost executor 1 on ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal: remote Rpc client disassociated
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Re-queueing tasks for 1 from TaskSet 0.0
15/10/15 17:38:36 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 4736.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 4736, ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal): ExecutorLostFailure (executor 1 lost)
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO DAGScheduler: Executor lost: 1 (epoch 0)
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Trying to remove   executor 1 from BlockManagerMaster.
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Removing block manager BlockManagerId(1, ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal, 58890)
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Removed 1 successfully in removeExecutor
15/10/15 17:38:36 ERROR YarnScheduler: Lost executor 2 on ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal: remote Rpc client disassociated
15/10/15 17:38:36 WARN ReliableDeliverySupervisor: Association with remote system [akka.tcp://sparkExecutor@ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal:60961] has failed, address is now gated for [5000] ms. Reason: [Disassociated] 
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO TaskSetManager: Re-queueing tasks for 2 from TaskSet 0.0
15/10/15 17:38:36 WARN TaskSetManager: Lost task 4735.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 4735, ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal): ExecutorLostFailure (executor 2 lost)
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO DAGScheduler: Executor lost: 2 (epoch 0)
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Trying to remove executor 2 from BlockManagerMaster.
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO BlockManagerMasterEndpoint: Removing block manager BlockManagerId(2, ip-172-31-14-190.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal, 58811)
15/10/15 17:38:36 INFO BlockManagerMaster: Removed 2 successfully in removeExecutor


what does that mean ? How can I fix it ?



The answer already appears to be provided in the comments:

这篇关于WARN ReliableDeliverySupervisor:与远程系统的关联失败,地址现在被设置为[5000] ms.原因:[已取消关联]的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-22 08:25