

我对Expression非常陌生,我能够创建一个视频并将其导入编码器。它在Expression中表现得非常好,但是我想让它以另一种格式播放(avi,windows meda,wav等等)。

I'm very new to Expression and I was able to create a video and import it into the encoder. It plays perfectly fine within Expression, but I'd like to have it played in another format (avi, windows meda, wav, etc..).

我怎么能这样做呢? ?我觉得我正在迈出一步。

How can I go about doing this? I feel like I'm mising a step.


Expression Encoder包中包含用于在网页中播放视频的Silverlight媒体播放器。 编码为H.264 MP4的视频可以直接在支持HTML5的
某些 网络浏览器中播放

The Expression Encoder package includes Silverlight media players for playing the video in a web page.  Video encoded into H.264 MP4 can be played directly insome web browsers that support HTML5

H.264当内容托管在安装了IIS Media Sevices 4的正确配置的IIS服务器上时,Encoder创建的平滑流内容也将直接在iPhone上播放。

H.264 Smooth Streaming content created by Encoder will also play directly on iPhones when the content is hosted on a properly configured IIS server with IIS Media Sevices 4 installed.

Windows Media Player将播放Encoder发出的格式以及

Windows Media Player will play formats emitted by Encoder as well


11-02 17:21