

如果我想改变emacs中的窗口,我做Cx o,这对我很好...但是当我想连续更改窗口很多次Cx o不是那么方便...有没有办法第一个Cx之后,只需一次罢工就可以改变窗口?

if I want to change windows in emacs I do C-x o and that's fine with me...but when I want to change window lots of times in a row C-x o is not so convenient...is there a way to change window with just one strike after first C-x o ?and in general...is there a (single) strike that would repeat my last shortcut?



Check out windmove; it lets you just hold down a modifier key and press an arrow key to move to the window in that direction. I've been using it for years with the default modifier (shift) and strangely enough it doesn't interfere with my impulses to use shift-arrow text selection in other applications.


There's also an equivalent for frames, which I should really try...
