

我是新来的JavaScript。下面是该方案;我有一个变化,每10秒,当我点击它会打开一个链接在新窗口中,当图像变化和我的新形象上点击,它的链接取代了相同的子窗口的链接的ImageButton的。不过,我希望它在一个完全新窗口中打开链接。我怎样才能做到这一点吗? (在code背后谢谢preferably)

这是我目前使用JavaScript code:

  Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),开放,window.open(+网站+,open_window','mywindow的','宽= 300,高度= 300,0,状态= 1');,真正的);



I am new to JavaScript. Here is the scenario; I have an imagebutton that changes every 10 seconds and when I click it opens a link in a new window and when the image changes and I click on the new image, its link replaces the link in the same child window. However I want it to open the link in a completely new window. How can I make that possible please? (Preferably in the code behind Thank You)

This is the JavaScript code I am currently using:

Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "open", " window.open(" + site + ",'open_window','myWindow','width=300,height=300,0,status=1,');", true);

If you specify "_blank" as a window's name, a new window will always be opened.


11-02 15:49