


When I look at the plotting style in the Pandas documentation, the plots look different from the default one. It seems to mimic the ggplot "look and feel".


如何加载该样式? (即使我没有使用笔记本?)

How can I load that style? (even if I am not using a notebook?)


更新:如果你有matplotlib> = 1.4,有一个新的样式模块,默认情况下具有 ggplot 样式。要激活它,请使用:

Update: If you have matplotlib >= 1.4, there is a new style module which has a ggplot style by default. To activate this, use:

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

建议通过pandas选项进行样式设置,如下所述(也用于熊猫) docs now。)

This is recommended above the styling through the pandas options as explained below (and is also used in the pandas docs now).


For pandas, use:

pd.options.display.mpl_style = 'default'


and this will give you the 'ggplot-like' style for matplotlib figures (Note that the name is a bit confusing as this is not enabled by default, and this should actually be added to the docs).

对于seaborn,正如Paul H评论的那样,足以导入seaborn

For seaborn, as Paul H commented, it is enough to import seaborn

顺便说一下,如果你真的想要ggplot中的ggplot和ggplot语法(而不仅仅是ggplot样式),那么还有一个基于pandas的 python ggplot库

By the way, if you really want something like ggplot in python with ggplot syntax (and not only ggplot-like style), there is also a python ggplot library based on pandas: https://github.com/yhat/ggplot/


10-27 17:11