

我正在使用rmarkdown和 revealjs模板在RStudio中进行演示.由于这项工作仍在进行中,因此我经常编织.Rmd文件以查看更改.

I'm working on a presentation in RStudio using rmarkdown and revealjs template. Since it's a work in progress, I often knit the .Rmd file to see the changes.


The problem is, each time I press "Knit" button (or use a hotkey), an internal browser window pops up. I don't need it, really, because 1) it displays the presentation incorrectly and 2) I already have the .html file open in my system browser and I simply refresh the page.


Is there any way to suppress the default RStudio behaviour?


Ideally, I'd love to be able to knit and see the result in the system browser (with focus on it) in as few keypresses as possible. Right now, my solution is to source(render.R), which contains a call like

       revealjs_presentation(theme="black", highlight="zenburn"), 
       encoding = "UTF-8")


Better than nothing, but still a bit tedious (set focus from editing to console, source, refresh page -- 3 actions). Any suggestions?

对于MWE,打开[新文件]-[R Markdown ...],然后单击编织HTML"或Ctrl + Shift + K.

For an MWE, open [New File] -- [R Markdown...] and hit "Knit HTML" or Ctrl+Shift+K.


RStudio一直在移动此功能. Johnathan的答案对我使用的RStudio的早期版本很有用.您可以从工具>全局选项开始,然后如果您使用的是0.99.x,则可以找到它:

RStudio keeps moving this feature around. Johnathan's answer was good for the prior version of RStudio that I was using. You could find it starting with Tools > Global Options and then if you are on 0.99.x, here:


I'm currently on 1.0.44 and now it's here:

为了公平起见,对于RStudio而言,我认为创建一个新的 R Markdown 选项部分并将其放在此处是很有意义的.

In all fairness to RStudio, I think creating a new R Markdown option section and putting it here makes good sense.


10-20 13:18