

每次打开 Rstudio 时,我都会在我的环境中发现一些变量.我怎样才能一次性删除这些?

Everytime I open Rstudio I find some variables in my environment. How can I remove these once for all?

目前,每当我打开 Rstudio 时,我都会运行 rm(list=ls()) 来先清除环境,然后再运行必要的脚本.

Currently, whenever I open Rstudio I run rm(list=ls()) to clear the environment first and then I run the necessary scripts.

我什至试图在关闭 Rstudio 之前清除环境,但在下一次启动时我又在那里找到了变量.

I even tried to clear the environment before closing the Rstudio, but again in the next start I find the variables there.


Tools -> Global options -> 在启动时将 .RData 恢复到工作区 (?)

Tools -> Global options -> Restore .RData into workspace at startup (?)


10-24 21:15