


I am automating creating a instance in oracle cloud and deploy some apps in it.


After setting up the instance, I want to add a dns entry that maps the public IP of the new instance to a FQDN in easydns.com. And also want to generate Let's Encrypt TLS certificates for that FQDN using certbot in the instance. Currently, I'm doing this manually.


I want to automate this second part using Terraform or ansible.

  • I found a EasyDNS DNS Challenge Provider here in terraform, but i think this is for dns challenge, and i'm still confused how to use it to add the dns entry.:https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/acme/dns_providers/easydns.html

我可以使用此 DNS提供商在easydns中添加A记录吗?(如果easydns支持RFC 2136,现在不要): https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/dns/latest/文档

Can i use this DNS Provider to add an A record in easydns? ( Don't now if easydns supports RFC 2136 ) :https://registry.terraform.io/providers/hashicorp/dns/latest/docs

是否有任何类似下面的Ansible模块,使用它我可以实现相同的功能? https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/nsupdate_module.html https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/dnsimple_module.html

Is there any Ansible module something like below using which i can achieve the same?https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/nsupdate_module.htmlhttps://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/community/general/dnsimple_module.html

或者将OCI DNS添加为辅助dns或类似的东西是一个好选择吗?

Or is it a good option to add OCI DNS as secondary dns or something like that?




You are right. The linked provider is not for creating DNS entries.

您需要找到(实施)EasyDNS DNS条目的Terraform提供程序.我在任何一个列表中都看不到:

You need to find (implement?) a Terraform provider for EasyDNS DNS entries. I cannot see one in either of the lists:


Maybe there's some low-profile open-source project. Or you can ask the vendor if they have any Terraform provider or plans to add it.


10-29 00:34