本文介绍了显示属性差异inline- * something *的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我注意到,人们在一对一的比较中涵盖了一些显示属性的细节,但有很多没有被说明的差异。有人可以解释各种内联 显示标签之间的区别吗?

I noticed that people covered specifics of some display properties in a 1 on 1 comparison, but there are quite a few that have not been covered in illustrating the differences. Could someone explain the differences between the various inline-something display tags?


A more elaborated definition over places like w3schools would do wonders.


我确定唯一的区别,对于任何显示模式有块和内联变体, c $ c> inline - * 显示模式的方框放置inline(即在),而另一个具有格式化为块级框的框,受制于大多数与。

I'm pretty sure the only difference, for any display mode that has block and inline variants, is that the inline-* display mode has the box laid inline (i.e. in an inline formatting context) while the other has the box formatted as a block-level box, subject to most of the same formatting conventions as other block-level elements in a block formatting context.


Everything concerning how the box lays out its contents is pretty much the same (the specifics of which, of course, are governed by the display mode itself); any other nuanced differences would have been stated explicitly in the spec. As far as I can tell, however, there are no such differences.

在CSS2.1中,描述 inline-块如下:

In CSS2.1, section 9.2.4 describes block and inline-block as follows:


此值使元素生成内联级块容器。 inline-block的内部被格式化为块框,并且元素本身被格式化为原子行内框。

This value causes an element to generate an inline-level block container. The inside of an inline-block is formatted as a block box, and the element itself is formatted as an atomic inline-level box.


Note that "block box" is a shorthand for "block-level block container", and a block container is something that can contain block-level boxes.

看到这两个值都会导致元素生成块容器框,其中的内容将始终遵循相同的格式规则集,但 本身格式化为块级或内联级。

You can see that both of these two values cause an element to generate a block container box, in which its contents will always follow the same set of formatting rules, but that block container box itself is either formatted as block-level, or inline-level.

描述 inline-table 如下:



inline-table (In HTML: TABLE)
Specifies that an element defines an inline-level table: it is a rectangular block that participates in an inline formatting context).

描述了 flex inline-flex 如下:



This value causes an element to generate an inline-level flex container box.

说明了网格 inline-grid 如下:

inline- grid


This value causes an element to generate an inline-level grid container box.


In all of these scenarios, a table, a flex container, or a grid container will behave exactly the same way whether it is block-level or inline-level.

某些情况可能会阻止某个框格被格式化为内嵌级框,例如。对于上面列出的所有显示模式,结果是从 inline - * 变量到其通常的块变量的直接转换。例如, inline-block 转换为 block inline-flex 转换为 flex 。同样,这不会直接影响元素的内容格式,而不会影响规格。

Certain scenarios may prevent a box from ever being formatted as an inline-level box, such as absolute positioning or floating. For all of the display modes listed above, the result is a direct conversion from the inline-* variant to its usual block variant. For example, inline-block is converted to block, and inline-flex is converted to flex. Again, this does not directly affect how an element's contents are formatted, not as far as the specifications go.

这篇关于显示属性差异inline- * something *的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

10-24 22:22