




    class em


       public int i = 0;



        public void method(int a,ref int b,em c,ref em d)



        static public void Main()


             int i;

             int j;

             em e1 = new em();

             em e2 = new em();

             i = 9;

             j = 10;

            节目p =新节目();

             p.method(i,ref j,e1,ref e2);


what gets pushed onto the stack when an object is called by reference. Consider below code,
    using System;
    class em
       public int i=0;
    class program
        public void method(int a, ref int b, em c, ref em d)
        static public void Main()
             int i;
             int j;
             em e1 = new em();
             em e2 = new em();
             Program p=new Program();
             p.method(i,ref j,e1,ref e2);
when e1 passed ,the reference of the object is passed as the argument but
in this code when e2 is passed by reference what is pushed onto the stack i.e., what is passed as the argument to the method ?



Note that parameters are really just glorified local variables and they all get allocated at the same time so everything that applies to locals works with parameters.


When e2 is passed by reference, since it is a ref parameter, then the compiler just stores a reference (pointer) to it. But note that this is an implementation detail in most languages. A language may, if they so choose, decide to do a copy by value approach during the prologue and then copy the (modified) value back to the original argument during function epilogue. But this is inefficient compared to simply passing the reference to it directly hence why most languages (that I'm aware of) do it that way.


10-28 06:48