如何将bx打印到屏幕上才能看到值3? 欢迎任何帮助 感谢和抱歉入侵 I know this is off topic but, Assembler forum is dead so here we go? I''m programming in 80386 Intel environment How do I printed out a value that''s in a register like example mov bx, 3 how would I print out bx to the screen to see the value 3? Any help is welcome Thanks and sorry for the intrusion推荐答案 尝试: alt.lang.asm comp.lang.asm.x86 他们似乎对我很活跃。 您可能会在谷歌搜索中找到即时答案。 Try:alt.lang.asmcomp.lang.asm.x86They seem active to me. You would probably find instant answer with a google search. 尝试: alt.lang.asm comp.lang.asm.x86 他们对我来说似乎很活跃。 您可能会通过谷歌搜索找到即时答案。 Try:alt.lang.asmcomp.lang.asm.x86They seem active to me. You would probably find instant answer with a google search. 感谢我当前的团队订阅了alt.os.assembly,这是死了? " Frosted Flake" < FR ******** @ yahoo.com>在消息中写道 news:2u ***************** @ newssvr24.news.prodigy.co m ... thanks for the group i was currently subscribed to alt.os.assembly which isdead? "Frosted Flake" <fr***********************@yahoo.com> wrote in messagenews:2u*****************@newssvr24.news.prodigy.co m...尝试: alt.lang.asm comp.lang.asm.x86 他们似乎对我很活跃。 你可能会找到一个谷歌的即时答案搜索。 Try: alt.lang.asm comp.lang.asm.x86 They seem active to me. You would probably find instant answer with a google search. 这篇关于汇编问题?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!
10-27 17:13