


I use uwsgi to deploy my pyramid project. and also use pyramid_exclog to catch exception log which is expected to logto the file exception.log . But all the log info(include the exception log) was output to the file 'project.log' which was setted in the section of [uwsgi], file production.ini

logto = /var/log/project.log


I need your help to make exception info output to the file of exception.log instead of project.logI use the 'pserve' command to start up my project, everything works well.So how to deploy the pyramid_exclog under uwsgi.


我遇到了同样的问题.我已经尝试过--ini-paste-logged选项,但这需要粘贴.我在Python 3.3下运行,并且Paste尚未针对Python 3进行更新,所以这对我来说行不通.

I ran into the same problem. I've tried the --ini-paste-logged option, but that requires Paste. I'm running under Python 3.3 and Paste hasn't been updated for Python 3, so that wasn't going to work for me.


What I came up with was to create my own WSGI application file like so (file named production.wsgi):

import configparser
import logging.config

from myapp import main

ini_path = 'production.ini'

# Set up logging

# Parse config and create WSGI app
config = configparser.ConfigParser()

# First argument is default config values, second argument are the settings
# from the app:main section
# http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/latest/narr/startup.html
application = main(config['DEFAULT'], **config['app:main'])


Then in my production.ini file I have the following [uwsgi] section:

wsgi-file = %d/production.wsgi
chdir = %d
http-socket = :29999
enable-threads = true
master = true
processes = 1


Instead of starting it with --ini-paste or --ini-paste-logged, I just start it with --ini:

/usr/bin/uwsgi --ini /usr/local/myapp/production.ini


(uWSGI is actually installed into my app's virtual environment.)


09-18 19:19