




I want to select 3 columns from 3 different tables that are joined together.

I have an albums table that has albumid, genreid and name, and a genre table has genreid and name and Ive joined them together as follows:

SELECT a.albumid, a.name, g.name as genrename
FROM albums a
JOIN genre g
ON a.genreid=g.genreid
ORDER BY a.name;




However, I have another table called tracks that contains the tracks linked with their respective album (linked by albumid which is present in both tables). in the tracks table each track has a duration for the song.

What I am trying to achieve is, with the SQL I already have, I would like to get a sum of all the track durations added together to get a total for that album, which can then be displayed as album duration.

Something like this, but with some kind of subquery to calculate album duration:

SELECT a.albumid, a.name, g.name as genrename
FROM albums a
JOIN genre g
ON a.genreid=g.genreid
JOIN tracks t
ON a.albumid=t.albumid
ORDER BY a.name;


SELECT a.albumid, a.name, g.name as genrename, sum(t.duration) as albumduration
FROM albums a
JOIN genre g
ON a.genreid=g.genreid
JOIN tracks t
ON a.albumid=t.albumid
GROUP BY a.albumid, a.name, g.name
ORDER BY a.name;


11-02 01:02