

模块A的顶部包含import B.但是在测试条件下,我想模拟 BA(模拟A.B),并完全避免导入B.

Module A includes import B at its top. However under test conditions I'd like to mock B in A (mock A.B) and completely refrain from importing B.


In fact, B isn't installed in the test environment on purpose.

A是被测单元.我必须导入其所有功能的A. B是我需要模拟的模块.但是,如果A所做的第一件事是导入B,如何在A中模拟B并阻止A导入真实的B?

A is the unit under test. I have to import A with all its functionality. B is the module I need to mock. But how can I mock B within A and stop A from importing the real B, if the first thing A does is import B?


(The reason B isn't installed is that I use pypy for quick testing and unfortunately B isn't compatible with pypy yet.)




You can assign to sys.modules['B'] before importing A to get what you want:

test.py :

import sys
sys.modules['B'] = __import__('mock_B')
import A


A.py :

import B


Note B.py does not exist, but when running test.py no error is returned and print(A.B.__name__) prints mock_B. You still have to create a mock_B.py where you mock B's actual functions/variables/etc. Or you can just assign a Mock() directly:

test.py :

import sys
sys.modules['B'] = Mock()
import A


10-15 11:51