本文介绍了Apache mod_c ++想要?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我想尝试一下C ++作为服务器端语言。我不是在寻找一个框架,只是想实现一个愚蠢的旧的Hello Worldwebapp使用C ++。

I want to experiment a bit with C++ as a server side language. I'm not looking for a framework, and simply want to achieve a silly old "Hello World" webapp using C++.

有一个Apache HTTP服务器模块,我可以安装?

Is there an Apache HTTP server module that I can install?


If i can do the PHP equivalent of :

    $personName = "Peter Pan";
    echo "Hello " . $personName;


I'd be most thrilled! Thanks in advance!


cgi会这样做。只需让你的C ++应用程序将其输出输出到stdout,你的mod_cgi将处理它

cgi would do this. Just have your C++ app spit its output to stdout and your mod_cgi will handle it

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10-31 19:58