


I'm attempting to return a variable in the scope of a different environment.What I have currently is

(define make-empty-env


which creates a new environment when you call it from the interpreteri.e. (define env (make-empty-env))


If I define the variable "a" as 15 in "env", my goal is to return this value through a function called from the user-initial-environment.


(apply-env env'v)输出-> env范围内变量v的值.v可以在user-initial-environment中未定义,但是如果变量在env中存在,仍会返回一个值.

(apply-env env 'v) outputs -> value of variable v in scope of env. v can be undefined in user-initial-environment but would still return a value if the variable exists in env.


(define apply-env
   (lambda (env v)
       (eval (+ v 0) env)


which doesn't work since I'm passing a symbol 'v when I call the function. My main problem is that I don't know how to pass a symbol and treat it like a variable in the function. This is for a homework and the prompt for the function is:


Returns the value of variable v in environment env.


Here are some calls to apply-env:

在test-env中,a = 1,b = 2

In test-env, a = 1, b = 2

(apply-env test-env'a) 1

(apply-env test-env 'a) 1

(apply-env test-env'b) 2

(apply-env test-env 'b) 2


I'm relatively new to scheme so I'm probably missing some fundamental basics, any pointers or help would be very much appreciated.



As far as I know the design implementation for your environment variable is up to you. Since its a homework question I'm assuming that you can go about it any way you like (I assume).


So lets say you want to make your environment variable as a that is a list of list of 2 elements.

env -> ((var1,val1),(var2,val2),......,(varn.valn))


env -> ((a,1),(b,2),(c,3))


Now when you want to "create" your environment initially, you simply want to call a function which returns the initial environment which is empty. Now our environment variable env is just an empty list '(). You could make a function like this

(define (make-empty-env)
    (lambda ()


Now to add, remove and update variables in env you can implement function like car and cdr and in-env? for the underlying data structure

;;; cdr like function for env
(define (cdr-env env)
    (cdr env)

;;; car like function for env
(define (car-env)
    (list (car env))

;;; Returns boolean for v in env
(define (in-env? env)
        ((null? env)    ; If env is empty then v doesnt exist in env
        ((equal? v (car (car env))) ; If first element of the first list in env matches with v 
        (else       ; Recursive step to find if v is in the remaining enviornment env
            (in-env? v (cdr env))


Using these functions you can relatively easily implement your insertion, retrieval and updation functions for env.

;;; Update the value variable v to val in env. This function assumes that you are calling it in the insert-env function
(define (update-env v val env)
        ((null? env)
        ((equal? v (car (car env)))
            (append (cdr env) (list (list v val)))
                (update-env v val (cdr env)) 
                (list (list (car (car env)) (car (cdr (car env)))))

;;; add a variable-value pair (v,val) to env, also checks if variable already exists in pair. If so then updates it
(define (insert-env v val env)
        ((in-env? v env)
            (update-env v val env)
        (else  ; Add to env the 2 element list (v val)
            (append env (list (list v val)))

;;; Gets the value of variable v or returns an error message
(define apply-env
    (lambda (env v)
            ((null? env)    ; If env is empty then no variablles exist for the name v
                (error "appply-env: found empty enviroment")
            ((equal? (car (car env)) v) ; First element of the first list is v [matching var found in env]
                (car (cdr (car env))) ; Second element of that list is value of v
            (else       ; Else look for v in the rest of the env list
                (apply-env (cdr env) v) 



10-27 17:41